Withdraw Your Funds Immediately! The Next Round of Bank Collapses Commences as Depositors Lose Trust Completely.

by | Dec 23, 2023 | Bank Failures | 27 comments

Withdraw Your Funds Immediately! The Next Round of Bank Collapses Commences as Depositors Lose Trust Completely.

Shapeways Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SHPW)

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In recent years, the banking industry has been rocked by a series of high-profile failures that have left depositors in a state of panic. The collapse of major financial institutions such as Lehman Brothers and the subsequent global financial crisis have eroded the trust and confidence of the public in the banking system. As a result, many are now calling for a mass withdrawal of funds from banks in order to protect their hard-earned savings.

The movement, dubbed “Get Your Money Out Now!”, is gaining momentum as more and more depositors are losing complete confidence in the safety of their money in banks. The fear of another wave of bank failures is driving people to take drastic measures to secure their wealth.

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The recent collapse of several small and mid-sized banks has further fueled the fear and skepticism among depositors. The failure of these institutions has left many with a bitter taste in their mouths, as they have been left to pick up the pieces of their shattered financial lives.

The situation has become so dire that some are even likening it to the great depression of the 1930s, when millions of Americans lost their life savings due to bank failures. The sense of déjà vu is palpable, and many are worried that history is repeating itself.

It’s not just the banks’ financial instability that has people worried. The widespread use of digital banking and the rise of cyber threats are also contributing to the lack of confidence in the banking system. With the increasing frequency of cyber attacks and data breaches, many are fearing that their accounts could be compromised at any moment.

In response to this growing sense of unease, financial experts are advising people to diversify their assets and consider alternative forms of investment. Many are turning to gold, real estate, and other tangible assets as a way to protect their wealth from the uncertainties of the banking system.

But for those who are still heavily reliant on traditional banking, the question remains: how can they protect their hard-earned money from the looming threat of bank failures? The answer, according to some experts, is to take a proactive approach and move their funds to safer, more stable institutions.

Regardless of the course of action, the “Get Your Money Out Now!” movement serves as a wake-up call for both depositors and financial institutions. It underscores the dire need for transparency, accountability, and sound risk management in the banking industry. The future of the banking system hangs in the balance, and only time will tell whether the next wave of bank failures will come to pass. In the meantime, depositors can no longer afford to sit idly by and hope for the best. It’s time to take matters into their own hands and safeguard their financial future.

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  1. @stevenvanmetre5087

    Shapeways Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SHPW) https://www.shapeways.com/


    Atlas Financial Advisors, Inc. (AFA) is a registered investment adviser. Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any specific securities, investments, or investment strategies. Sponsorship does not influence AFA to recommend products or services issued by Shapeways Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SHPW) to current or prospective clients.

    Investments involve risk and, unless otherwise stated, are not guaranteed. Be sure to first consult with a qualified financial adviser and/or tax professional before implementing any strategy discussed herein. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

    This endorsement was provided for compensation, this included a formal agreement between Steven Van Metre and Outside The Box Capital Inc. for a one-time fee of $10,000 for one placement to provide coverage on 5/4/2023 for Shapeways Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SHPW). AFA is independent of, unaffiliated with, and holds no endorsements for Shapeways Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SHPW).

  2. @enchantularity

    Too much of talking. Extreme sonorousness of speech. You should learn how to present. If you were my student in communication, I will grade you 0/10

  3. @GerardButIer

    real life NPC i can't look away its so mesmerizing

  4. @phongy45

    Yellen says it is ok !!!.. like all Americans are liers!!!

  5. @phongy45

    Really ????

  6. @yankeewolf098

    The people that are running this country hate America and the America people they are destroying America on purpose

  7. @guest3069

    Watch politisions,their lie for one or two days.solid banks just 2 days ago was announced.

  8. @radzer0966

    TD wanted out when they found out how first horizon runs it’s business. When you loan to people who can’t even get a checking account at J.P. Morgan. That’s just bad decisions.

  9. @Berkut13

    Fidelity, Vanguard, Investco and maybe more have closed their Fed/Treasury Money Market funds to new investors yesterday (Friday). Look at what happened to the 1mo Treasury price.

  10. @jsan521705

    I personally think key bank is particularly vulnerable. Their big push to welcome laurel road customers (medical professionals) mean they probably have a large amount of uninsured deposits.

  11. @Paul-li9hq

    This is not highlighting the real problem. The real problem lies in this:
    Joint Statement by the Department of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC
    March 12, 2023
    WASHINGTON, DC — The following statement was released by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen, Federal Reserve Board Chair Jerome H. Powell, and FDIC Chairman Martin J. Gruenberg

    Here's the killer part of that statement:

    Shareholders and certain unsecured debtholders will not be protected.


    This is why bank stocks are being dumped at the speed we're seeing!

    Shareholders have been CLEARLY TOLD that if the bank crashes, they are fscked!!!

    So they are dumping shares as fast as they possibly can in ANY bank with even a HINT of a problem!!!!

  12. @arjmobile5010



  13. @parksimulator5196

    wow this video did not age well for shorts yesterday

  14. @bostonredsox482

    Bankers showing us the corrupt system and these CEO’s will skate with their pockets full.

  15. @candicebeebe6688

    Please be Chase– Please be Chase

  16. @bisaiah9797

    Talmud says "they" can LIE to non klan members.


  17. @amronbaharum8143


  18. @parrish8386

    First SVB, then signature bank and now first republic bank, these are all the signs of yet another 2008 market crash 2.0 , so my question is do I still save in the United States dollar or is this a good time to buy gold?

  19. @72jonfunk

    Are the big banks shorting any regional bank stocks? Or directing their investment managers to dump regional banks? We need to reinstate Glass-Stegall.

  20. @silversobe

    Fiat banking failing as it was unsustainable to begin with.

  21. @user-ed3hc2vh2l

    20% of Americans who are not worried about their deposits… have none.

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