Women AREN'T saving enough

by | Dec 2, 2022 | SEP IRA | 8 comments

Women AREN'T saving enough

Curious how to save for retirement and how much should you have saved for retirement by every age? Here is an overview! Saving for your retirement is one of the best money moves you can make in your 20’s because it allows you to leverage the benefits of time and compound interest. But women aren’t saving enough for retirement and in fact they are saving half the amount that men are. In this video, I’ll share an overview of some of the main retirement accounts and tips for beginners.

2:20 — Why women are not saving as much as men
3:39 — Why it’s so important to start saving for retirement TODAY (leveraging time and compound interest)
5:25 — An overview on some of the main types of retirement accounts (401K, Roth IRA, Simple IRA, Sep IRA)
9:28 — How much to contribute to retirement
12:30 — How much you should have saved for retirement at every age
13:00 — 3 tips on maintaining momentum to reach retirement goals

THANK YOU so much for watching and hope this overview was helpful. As I mentioned in the video, the goal is not to make anyone feel behind on their retirement goals. We all have a lot we are responsible for and this information isn’t even widely accessible or known. On top of that, there are a lot of systemic issues at play that we are fighting against. I hope you watch this video and feel less intimidated by retirement and more motivated to get started today. It’s all about taking baby steps.

See also  SEP IRA Pros and Cons

Sub count: 210! You all have such good taste in youtubers!!! JK but for real thank you so much for watching and supporting. It means a lot.

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  1. dee doc

    Great info…I really needed to hear this. The information was very informative and succinct. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Young Jedi

    Pay gap has been debunked over and over. Women are not being paid less because they are a woman. There is about 21 other correlations why women earn less than man.

  3. Aimee Lim

    Dang! Thanks for breaking this down!

  4. Lewis Scott

    Getting started in my 20s was the best decision ever. Get started and learn as you go.

  5. Michael Wilson

    venturing into the trading world without a professional trader and expecting profits is like turning water into wine..lol, you would need a miracle, that
    why i trade with Mrs Mary Becker,her skill is exceptional.

  6. Kristy Okada

    women also are subject to the pink tax! women spend more on menstrual products, beauty products, clothes, etc. because of societal expectations that come with being a woman.

  7. Janice Choi

    Zamn. EDUCATED. TY for breaking it down!!!

  8. Susan Lee

    THIS. IS. amazing. q – how'd you start educating yourself?? thanks for this free class beb

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