Yellen Defies Bailouts for Banks, Massive Capital Shifts from US & European Banks towards Gold Acquisition

by | Jul 25, 2023 | Bank Failures | 30 comments

March 22 EST, the second half of Powell’s press conference coincided with Yellen’s attendance at the Senate hearing. Their statements on the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance limit were interpreted by the market as conflicting signals, resulting in violent market fluctuations.
The S&P 500 experienced a series of reactions, including a decline, rebound, oscillation, and then another sharp drop, achieving the largest drop in two weeks.
As scheduled, the Federal Reserve continued to raise interest rates by 25 basis points. The resolution statement deleted the previous eight statements that said it may be appropriate to continue to raise interest rates and changed it to say that some additional policy tightening may be necessary. Analysts believe that this statement suggests that the Fed’s interest rate hike cycle is approaching its end.
March 20th, Switzerland, a neutral country, used an “unprecedented” strategy to force the largest creditor of Swiss Credit’s risky bonds to clear its capital. This move sparked shock and anger in the market, resulting in funds continuing to flow out of European and American banks. The Saudi National Bank lost about 80% of its principal investment in Swiss Credit.
To quell the panic in the market, institutions such as the European Banking Authority and the European Central Bank issued statements to reassure investors that ordinary equity capital is still prioritized over the loss borne by additional tier one capital bonds. They emphasized that the “bond clearing” of Swiss Credit is only an isolated incident and not a precedent.
Swiss Finance Minister Karin Keller-Sutter stated at a news conference that the measures to clear Swiss Credit’s bonds had been agreed upon long ago to avoid Switzerland’s economy paying a hefty price. Due to fears of market panic, the measures were kept confidential.

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Yellen REFUSES to Bail out Banks: Huge Amount of Money Flows out of US & European Banks to Buy Gold

In a surprising turn of events, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has announced that the US government will not provide bailouts to struggling banks. This decision has sent shockwaves through the financial sector, leading to a massive outflow of money from both US and European banks, with investors flocking to buy gold as a safe haven asset.

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The news of Yellen’s refusal to bail out banks came as a shock to many, as it goes against decades of precedent. In times of financial crisis, governments have often stepped in to rescue struggling banks, fearing that their failure would have a cascading effect on the entire economy. However, Yellen, known for her progressive stance and emphasis on social welfare, is taking a different approach.

Yellen’s staunch refusal to bail out banks is rooted in her belief that financial institutions should be held accountable for their actions and be made to bear the consequences of their own mistakes. She argues that propping up failing banks only encourages risky behavior and creates a moral hazard. Instead, Yellen suggests that the government should focus on providing support to individuals and businesses that have been adversely affected by the economic downturn.

This new stance has had a significant impact on the financial markets, with investors losing confidence in the traditionally secure banking sector. As a result, a massive amount of money has flowed out of US and European banks, seeking alternative investment options. And where are these funds finding refuge? Gold.

Gold has long been regarded as a safe haven asset, known for its ability to retain its value even in times of economic uncertainty. Investors are now flocking to the precious metal, considering it a more stable and reliable store of wealth compared to traditional banking institutions.

As a result of this surge in demand, the price of gold has skyrocketed, reaching new highs. Bullion dealers around the world are struggling to keep up with orders, as individuals, fund managers, and even central banks are buying up gold in record amounts. This trend has not only been witnessed in the US and Europe but also globally, as investors seek to protect their assets from potential financial instability.

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While this shift in investment behavior may appear sudden, it is a reflection of the growing disillusionment with the banking sector and the increasing scrutiny on the actions of financial institutions. Yellen’s decision to let banks face the consequences of their actions may be seen as a step towards creating a more responsible finance industry. However, it also raises questions about the potential consequences for global financial stability.

As money continues to flow out of banks and into alternative assets like gold, the future of the financial sector remains uncertain. While the avoidance of bailouts may be seen as a way to discourage risky behavior, it could also lead to a lack of confidence in the system and exacerbate economic downturns. Only time will tell whether Yellen’s decision will be a turning point in how governments handle financial crises or if it will have unintended negative consequences in the long run.

Truth about Gold
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  1. Ahsim Iksnabac

    Jacob, well done!! keep up the good werk!

  2. Richard Lumley Smith

    Yelland has no real power and on announcing she will not bail out US Banks -this is a joke ?

  3. John brookhaven

    Dont ever bail out the bank because people will be starve..

  4. SA

    the last person I would trust with my money is yellen and biden 1% in the bank rest in my house!!

  5. Ju hyo Kang

    SGIBank yellon investment ok

  6. Ju hyo Kang

    Gooday ok best up ok

  7. Ju hyo Kang

    Bong too hand give ok

  8. Paul Weller

    Pretty soon we will see all the US dollar around the globe flowing back into US shore.

  9. W Tan

    The US left the gold exchange standard (i.e. $ for gold on demand) in 1971 because of over-printing of $, resulting in insufficient gold to back its $ when investors wanted to convert their $ holdings to gold. Hence it is not possible for the US to go back to the gold exchange standard. The other reason is that in a serve economic crisis, governments want the flexibility to increase money supply (i.e. spend) through Keynesian pump priming. Nowadays, only the Fed (and not the govt) can print $ but like the old medieval Italian banks, they constantly overprint (e.g. by $4 trillion during the pandemic). Governments can only tax and borrow, and not surprising, they borrow (to stay in office). These clowns kick the can down the road, while the Fed winches the death rope to the sky, also known as interest rates.

  10. yinchoong ng

    War and military misadventures make America almost a bankrupt nation. Now they are surviving on credit cards and the final nail to the bankruptcy proclamation are around the globe.

  11. Louise Burnett


  12. bill washington

    Absolutely. Europe as a whole is done.

    – Mass and uncontrolled immigration. This drives house prices and rents up. Also strangles public services because more demand.

    – Uncontrolled public spending. More people means the gov needs to spend more. Immigrations are typically the poorest coming in. So they need to be housed, fed, clothed and given spending money. The tax base is at its limit, so the gov borrows more.

    – With increased spending taxes goes up.

    – With increased spending, inflation goes up.

    – With the NS pipelines energy into Europe is very expensive. So many homes in the EU spend the majority of income on energy.

    There is no way out. EU economies won't be growing any time soon. In-fact for the next 10 years all we are going to see are deficit spending and then suddenly… bang the whole thing will collapse. The UK is the canary in the coal mine. It will probably be the first to go.

    99% of the British mainstream news media follow the same script, and people here are conditioned to believe two things. First, Ukraine is winning the war, so we must continue to supply weapons to Ukraine, and second, our lowered living standard is an acceptable price for standing up to Russia. I'm thankful there are still political analysts like Dr Oualaalou who are willing to give us another perspective and let us decide for ourselves.

    Well said. It's exactly the s

  13. Jack Frost

    Don't buy gold. That is what they want you to do. Check history people. The government has confiscated gold before. It has always revolved around wars. The great government gold heist of 1933 comes to mind. Look that up and see if you still want gold.

  14. 권순정

    Is Collapse of Banking System coming next ??

  15. Tim Riordan

    Move your money to SoFi. They pay direct deposit customers 4% on Savings. 1.2% on Checking and protect their customers with up-to $2million in FDIC insurance

  16. iliketacos

    Hey guy. Thank you for the video.This voice to text is not using period period kind of awkward period

  17. Jamie

    Every world problem………. AFTER TALKING WITH THE UNITED STATES!

  18. Soo Tuck Choong

    Yellen should just ask President Biden to buy all the bonds that all countries are selling back to USA.

  19. steely dan

    China have no reason to help America like they did in 2008 after Trump and Biden's policies against China. Time for China to Sell! Sell! Sell!

  20. Rana R

    The US has been bailing itself out for one and a half decades by printing dollar bills. The day of reckoning ha arrived.

  21. khong vincent

    US country Govt Biden and Janet Yellen will not safe Bank anymore ,then US country Banks will be in biggest troubles soon as possible collapse and gone forever!

  22. tony law

    I would not trust American and European banks at moment.. I would invest gold or china currency.

  23. Fred Fischer

    Yellen is a criminal.

  24. William

    what can you do with gold other than exchange? can you eat it? use it as shelter? drink it? (Warren Buffett)

  25. Apples

    Just do the opposite of what they said n you will be ok.

  26. Greg Wang

    Harvest chives from the world again mate, yeah? Doesn’t look it!

  27. RoyTheInfidel


  28. Miklos Gergely

    Yelled LIES. In politics, whenever people make a statement, the opposite will happen / or has happened already.

  29. Jackson Wong

    us dollar not trustworthy , not credible , it's time to dump usd .

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