by | Sep 25, 2023 | Silver IRA | 36 comments

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Another Clinton Associate Found Guilty: How Deep Does the Corruption Go?

In yet another blow to the credibility of the Clinton dynasty, another close associate has been found guilty of corruption charges. This revelation begs the question: just how deep does the corruption within the Clinton network run?

The recent guilty verdict handed down to yet another Clinton associate serves as a stark reminder of the numerous scandals that have plagued this family for decades. It seems that wherever the Clintons go, corruption follows closely behind, undermining their claims of transparency and integrity.

This particular case involved a close confidant of the Clintons, who was found guilty of embezzlement and bribery. The individual in question had longstanding ties to the Clinton Foundation and had amassed significant wealth through dubious means. As details emerged during the trial, it became clear that this associate had used their position to gain personal advantages while exploiting the influence of the Clinton name.

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This latest conviction adds to a long list of individuals connected to the Clintons who have faced legal troubles. From Whitewater to Benghazi, the Clintons have been marred by a seemingly endless stream of scandals, highlighting a pattern of unethical behavior.

Critics argue that these repeated instances of corruption cannot be mere coincidences. Instead, they claim that there is a deeply entrenched system of corruption within the Clinton network that allows associates to benefit from their association with the famous political family.

The argument is bolstered by the fact that numerous investigations into Clinton-related activities have been stonewalled or downplayed. Documents have gone missing or been destroyed, witnesses have been uncooperative, and public inquiries have been met with evasion and obfuscation. Such behavior raises suspicion and leads many to conclude that there must be something the Clintons are desperate to hide.

As the web of corruption continues to unravel, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the Clinton machine operated like a well-oiled enterprise, with associates leveraging their proximity to power for personal gain. Whether it was through unethical business deals, questionable foundations, or suspicious campaign contributions, it seems that no avenue was left unexplored in the pursuit of personal wealth and influence.

The unsettling truth is that the Clintons have managed to cultivate an intricate web of loyalty and secrecy, shielding themselves from the consequences of their actions. While some may argue that guilt by association is unfair, the repeated association of the Clintons with individuals mired in corruption certainly raises valid concerns.

The American people, and indeed the world, deserve better from their leaders. It is disheartening to see how individuals who held such high positions of trust have consistently let down those who put their faith in them. The continuous exposure of corruption within the Clinton network begs the question of whether there is any end to the scandals that have dogged this family for decades.

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The recent guilty verdict should serve as a strong reminder that no one, regardless of their position, should be above the law. If the Clintons are genuinely committed to transparency and accountability, they should embrace the legal process and cooperate fully with any investigations into their associates and their own actions.

The American public demands honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness from their leaders. It is time for the Clintons to finally address the cloud of corruption that hovers over their legacy and work towards restoring the faith of those who have lost it. Only through genuine accountability and a commitment to ethical conduct can they hope to salvage their tarnished reputation.

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  1. Thomas Tedder

    Ross Flex, they are everywhere but nothing will happen to the real ring leader.

  2. ick

    I NEVER get notified when you drop a video. I dont get it. I have my bell on all videos

  3. Liberty Man

    Take care of your self .

  4. tammy koble

    It is people like you who will get us OUT of this nightmare.

  5. Monica Goldstein

    This info would Never be Exposed by the Criminal MSM! The MSM are our Enemies! They are evil and corrupt! They are all CIA Clowns!

  6. 2710daisy

    All evil comes from Ivy League universities.

  7. Angela

    They trying hard cover all up cause hilliary thinks she has chance lol un caught burning bunch documents

  8. Chalee Reid

    Wow, a true journalist and more!

  9. Suz H

    Henry Louis Gates, Jr. was arrested because a noisy neighbor called the police on him trying to get into HIS OWN house. He’s black.

  10. Rae Nic

    He must be affiliated with the other Haiti sicko Laura Silsby Gayler alert sense(amber alert) director who was arrested in Haiti for child trafficking while working for the Clinton foundation…

  11. Joel Teague

    You call a spade a spade no beating around the bush thats what we need.

  12. Joel Teague

    I know its in the hundreds but i have lost count let me guess two bullets to the back of the head but yet it'll be ruled suicide

  13. Freetobeme Me

    if he went against the brotherhood, he would be killed.

  14. Leslie thats me

    Laura silsby, from Clinton foundation got caught smuggling kids out of Haiti… Clinton's first visit was in the 1970s when he was senator

  15. Ry W

    Y’all ???

  16. Ry W

    Y’all ? Are u ghetto?

  17. Raphael Barry

    Good job Riss, keep it up girl!

  18. Brian Bond

    What if all these people that they claim are dying aren't really dead but they have clones of themselves so the fake ones can be killed or go to prison while the real copies go to celebrity island with Epstein have a good old time for the rest of their days

  19. True Grit

    Congrats Riss. I got here from the Q) THe Storm RIde on TG. He's big on TG and puts out good info with great sources.

  20. treydongui

    Look at my profile pic. One of many giants who worked locally up until at least 30s and 40s. All public knowledge and you can find pics online. Everyone is looking to see if it's true when it's no conspiracy.

  21. treydongui

    "they're good people, aside from everything they do" nice comment Riss lmao

  22. FUTURE

    Harvard is putting out satanic Satanist trash

  23. FUTURE

    It looks like Harvard is putting out pure EVIL PIGS


    Great info. Keep up the good work young lady. Be safe. Your awesome.

  25. Jay Fed

    This is gona start happening alot more since we know the steel dos was bullshit. Klinton bodycount gona be climbing like a good stock.

  26. Ellen Haynes

    Please be careful!

  27. Amber

    I don’t know whether to scream or bawl my eyes out… but oooh how I wish I could go full on Rambo to these NASTY, EVIL, DEMENTED R-ist and M-derous SCUM OF THE EARTH

  28. Cryptolady

    Great content! Love your videos.

  29. Diamond Rough

    I am totally blind, and I talked to Noble gold over a year ago, “, Noble gold does not guarantee that what they are selling you as gold is actually gold, and when I asked them how do I verify that I am actually getting real gold I was told “I don’t know, that’s not our job.

  30. adventurediver3838

    US Aide was initiated by the Clinton Foundation to steal the Haitian rice exportation business from the Haitian People. I was told from a Hati an man recently that Haiti was a major rice exporter before the Clinton Foundation got involved with Haiti.

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