YOUR QUESTIONS: Gold & Silver Investments, ETF, IRA + Q&A Lynette Zang and Eric Griffin – 3/13/2018

by | Oct 19, 2022 | Silver IRA | 48 comments

YOUR QUESTIONS: Gold & Silver Investments, ETF, IRA + Q&A Lynette Zang and Eric Griffin – 3/13/2018


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  1. Chris Buddecke

    Like a magic trick
    Now you see it

  2. andrea Taylor

    Did you say $2,00 dollars . No way, I am trying to keep my money! People you better get to learning how to do this yourself. This stuff is not hard to learn. What you said promoting other to take our money is bad for your company for me. Lynnette look like she is here to help us keep our money. BAD
    ! BAD!

  3. Ray H

    Where is silver/gold going? $1000/$10000? At this price a modest premium for a coin won't matter much. Let say this time they include collector coins in confiscation. Are you going to hand it over?

  4. Danny Johnson’s Garage

    Question. Could the US reset the price we value gold like venezuela? Would that “give us more money” to counter debt? Would we fear doing so since other counties may have more gold and become stronger and we may not own what we claim?

  5. Chris K

    ITM Trading what does an economic reset look like?

  6. steve paul

    Gold ands silver held outside the system but also cash

  7. archivesDave

    Lynette, what are your thoughts on Rickards' concept of a reset?

  8. archivesDave

    More comprehensive discussion on blockchain, Please, Lynette. Also viable alternatives like Hashgraph. (I hear he won't release his patent)

  9. Independent Thinker

    How about an "on the road with Lynette" in Baltimore!?!?!! If so, I want the first ticket!! 🙂

  10. Multi tiered Investor

    3cs3hs. I disagree with buying gram and 1/10th gold sizes. I use silver pre-65 coins for barter or one ounce silver. Premiums on any gold smaller than one ounce gets too expensive. For one ounce coins or bars, I can always sell it to a gold brokerage house.

  11. Anita A

    I took out 1/2 of my IRA and left 1/2 hoping it will still be there at the end of this year when I will be 59 1/2. With the new tax laws it could work out well for me if nothing drastic happens till the end of 2018.

  12. good man

    Should one remortgage to To buy gold

  13. Ritter Nico

    Hello. Untill 1 year ago I didn't have interets on bying some precious metals but thanks To you and many others (rickards, mannarino, rogers…) I did quickly understand what To do. Even if it das difficult for me to understand everything because I am from France. So I just wanted To thank you for the great job you do and for all these information you've given to us. Take care of you

  14. Bart McRae

    Have you considered the keeping and retaining of your farm produce. Others will want it as much or more than you. Critters – very tricky and cunning. Humans – especially the gun toting ones – can be very convincing in separating you and your produce. What good is the farm idea if you can not retain the goods.

  15. Paul Simmons

    If Fed goverment issued gold and silver coin is legal tender in a state of the union can the Fed gov. overide the state law and the U.S. Constitution for that matter and forbid the use of gold and silver as legal tender by confiscation or other legislation? Is there protection due to states rights ?

  16. Cleetus Smith

    Two years ago I was given a choice. I could do nothing and start receiving a small pension starting this coming summer or I could take a cash, lump sum buyout of my pension. I took the lump sum, paid my taxes on it, and then used that lump sum to pay off my 5 acre homestead. I own my home and acreage free and clear. All I have to worry about are my country taxes (about $800/year) and insurance. Mild summers, mild winters, 60 inches of rain a year, no military installations or city within a hundred miles, 15 miles from the nearest town of 2500 people, a fish filled river at the edge of my property with some of the best fishing and cleanest water in the state, lenient gun laws, and it's all in a country where the cattle outnumber people by at least 10 to 1 and the people make up a tight knit Christian community. What more could you ask for? We have no bug out location here because we are the bug out location for all the kids from the families already living here that live out there in the cities.

  17. tim jones

    Who trusts the Chinese? They have been manipulating the yuan for years, the dollar is what it is but is less risky than the yuan

  18. Georg Simon Ohm

    Lynette is my idol. Hello Eric.

  19. tim jones

    Do you have a water well? In Phoenix without municipal water your screwed.

  20. A J

    If gold prices go north in that case jewellery market would just die n demand from the retailers vanish, what happens after that……?

  21. FullofHope

    20K subs —— W O W !!!!

  22. PIGEON

    Please come to the UK.

  23. Mickey

    Lynette, You have become an important voice in today's world. Bless You.

  24. Marc Graham

    Can’t find any specific information on what amount of deposits/ savings will be affected like everything over 30.000 gets bailed in?

  25. Marc Graham

    Go to to bail in PDF file you’ll be shocked look at # 26

  26. g zhang

    WHY isnt ETF gaining? i loaded 40K XGD ETF when it was 1270, now im still sitting 5% loss.

  27. Chris

    awwww Eric Griffin just so handsome… what else can I say….It s very distracting…cant focus on Iynette….

  28. 40oz to freedom

    I have a Q? why would any one give up there gold if we the people ask what about the gold in fort knox and the government has to tell them they stole it?

  29. Eli

    I'm not a ebayer or a flipper…not sure if I should be, but here I am right now, what are the most favored silver coins/or rounds would you start loading up on as a beginner? Thank you (USA here)

  30. Randy Pennella

    So exactly what coins should we be buying ?

  31. Silver Granny

    If you don't invest in gold bouillon what kind of gold does a person invest in

  32. Gurpreet Singh

    If the system will reset to clear the debt, then why shouldn't we borrow and invest?

  33. Dennis Lundberg

    Due to the nature of my neighbors and friends (close by) the idea that the government could get to my pm's is…well lets just say slim, none and no ^@#$@ing way.

  34. Christian

    My friend purchased a combibar that breaks down into small bars. Would that be considered to be unusual?

  35. Barbara Schnier

    Hello from Apple Valley. What about money at TD Ameritrade account. Is that a bail in bank account?

  36. Alfian Abdul Halin

    Ok another question. Sorry.
    Do you think that numismatic coins will also be valuable outside the USA? Because one gold expert over here (Malaysia) says that the demand for such coins is very low here. Moreover, I also don’t think most of the monetary system “law makers” (big bankers and 1-percenters) reside in Malaysia hence not much of numismatic demand (and even supply I’d imagine)

  37. Alfian Abdul Halin

    When the reset happens, do you see the same effect worldwide? I understand that all FIAT products/derivatives are strongly linked and how the USA economy greatly influences the world (esp countries termed 3rd world). But say when the US economy tanks, will what happens in the US happen in South East Asia (where I’m from) as well? (i.e. fiat will goto zero and gold n silver will goto the moon)

  38. tony wong

    hi everyone

  39. Greg Santa Rita

    21:00 min into the video the term is also known as the normalcy bias. People don’t think anything bad can happen because things have been good for many years….relatively.

  40. SAM Cooper

    A gold (physical) IRA is safe in my opinion especially when held in a depository that is Liberty and Freedom minded. No connection to Wall St, government or others.

  41. CAJUN Jamis

    GR-8 Video! Thanks

  42. Shekel Clipper

    Confiscation? You going give them your guns when they ask too??? (You really should look up what a US citizen is. A civilly dead entity owned by the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Remember any contract you are tricked into you can rescind.

  43. Multi tiered Investor

    Cmon guys, when the US required gold to be turned-in in 1933, other country’s citizens did not hold gold. Our country would not order this unless China, Japan, India, Britan and other countries did the same.

  44. AgouraMo

    Enough about Gold Confiscation. In 33', even with the threat of going to prison….the OVERWHELMING majority of citizens refused to comply. As far as I know…No one went to jail. The benchmark is gone and gold is on a world spot price since the early 70s. If the U.S. even remotely hinted at confiscation the price of Gold would immediately go to the moon. How would that work out? It wouldn't. Also, bullion makes much more sense than numismatics unless you are a serious coin collector who knows their stuff. The dealer's spread for buying and selling bullion is limited if you know the price of spot. The spread for a collected coin that infers grading has a very wide spread of interpretation that dealers love to play with to their advantage. That is how they make their living. In my opinion, precious metals should be stacked at your discretion given an individual's cash flow as a hedge against inflation and nothing more.

  45. Multi tiered Investor

    My take on precious metals is wealth preservation. It is not meant for me to make money, just to hold on to some of what I have earned.

  46. Rich Monk

    Remember when utilities go down, there will be no water at the tap, toilets do not work as well.No garbage pick-ups? Think accordingly! People in Venezuela cannot get toilet paper! Any country that does not use the petro-dollar gives them a heads-up with American sanctions. Military invasion and destruction, not so much! Normalcy bias!

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