6 Cyber Sniper Vayne Dominates in TFT Galaxies – Teamfight Tactics

by | Jul 23, 2023 | Vanguard IRA | 29 comments

In another viewer game we get forced to play Cyber Sniper. It was going REALLY poorly, but with some good old anti-fun with 2 Shrouds, we show how to make a nice comeback and take the victory!

Originally Aired: Patch 10.12 Normal – June 14th, 2020


#Mortdog…(read more)




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Cyber Sniper Vayne Build Guide | TFT Galaxies | Teamfight Tactics

In the ever-evolving game of Teamfight Tactics, one of the most popular and versatile builds in the current Galaxies meta is the Cyber Sniper Vayne build. This build revolves around combining the Cybernetic and Sniper traits to create a powerful and deadly carry in the form of Vayne.

Why go for Cybernetic and Sniper?

The Cybernetic trait is a great choice for Vayne as it provides her with bonus attack damage and ability power after every kill or assist. This bonus allows Vayne to scale in power throughout the game when combined with items that boost her damage output. Additionally, the Sniper trait enhances her range and gives her a chance to hit all enemy targets within that range, maximizing her damage potential.

Building a Cybernetic Sniper Vayne

1. Start with Cybernetic units:
– Vi: A strong frontliner and tank, Vi provides the Cybernetic trait and can be built with items that increase her survivability.
– Leona: Another great tank option, Leona provides the Cybernetic trait as well as the Vanguard trait, which increases her armor and magic resistance.

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2. Transition into Sniper units:
– Ashe: A core unit for the build, Ashe is a Sniper that deals significant damage with her ability. Equip her with attack damage or attack speed items to further enhance her damage output.
– Caitlyn: Another Sniper unit, Caitlyn provides decent damage and can be used as a secondary carry. Items that increase her attack speed or critical strike chance work well on her.

3. The carry: Vayne
– Vayne should be your primary carry in this build. Her true damage from her Silver Bolts ability combined with items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade or Infinity Edge can deal devastating damage to enemy teams.

4. Supporting units:
– Thresh: Provides the Chrono trait, which increases attack speed for the team. Thresh can also pull in units and protect Vayne from assassins.
– Ezreal or Blitzcrank: Both units can be used as utility picks, with Ezreal providing the Chrono trait and AOE damage, while Blitzcrank provides crowd control with his ability to grab enemy units.

5. Itemization:
– Attack damage and attack speed items are crucial for Vayne’s damage output. Items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade, Infinity Edge, and Last Whisper are recommended. Additionally, defensive items like Guardian Angel or Quicksilver Sash can provide Vayne with durability.

The gameplay strategy:

During the first few rounds, focus on acquiring the necessary Cybernetic units, such as Vi and Leona, while also building towards Sniper units like Ashe and Caitlyn. As the game progresses, prioritize finding Vayne and equipping her with appropriate items.

Positioning is key in this build. Place Vayne in the backline where she is protected and can maximize her range. Tanky units like Vi and Thresh should be placed in front to absorb damage, while Leona can be positioned to peel for Vayne.

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The strength of this build lies in Vayne’s ability to deal massive damage while staying safe. Utilizing her Sniper range and pairing it with Cybernetic and supporting traits will allow her to dominate the battlefield.

In conclusion, the Cyber Sniper Vayne build is an excellent choice in the current Galaxies meta of Teamfight Tactics. With proper positioning and itemization, Vayne can become a deadly carry, shredding through enemy teams with ease. So, gather your Cybernetic and Sniper units, assemble the perfect build, and claim victory in the Convergence!

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  1. Vonriel

    >Udyr shade
    Hol' up. He could absolutely be cool as a 5-cost unit. My 5-cost Udyr concept:
    Passively gain a shield on spellcast. Spell rotates between Tiger and Phoenix. On casting Tiger, gain permanent AD, then do AD- and AP-scaling damage to his target. On casting Phoenix, gain permanent AP, then do AP-scaling damage in a cone centered on the target.
    Infinite scaling potential, but easy to kill at 1-star, so would require a solid tanky core. Long fights would be bad, he'd eventually become unstoppable even at 1-star. He'd easily be a more fair Urgot, especially in an environment with a Chrono-style trait to support his attack speed. Or, make his passive grant him permanent attack speed on spell cast, and then give him the shield as a trait. The key is to require one of them from the team to support him, and he'd really shine in, for instance, a Celestial, Protector, Chrono comp in the current set.

  2. Christian

    I love how he gets so upset about urgot. Like you made it and put in the game. It’s a stupid idea and he can’t stand being called out on it.

  3. Kua Zap

    nerfed yi

  4. Kyuuki Kitsune

    Random Secret of Mana music is hype. Always love randomly hearing anything from that game. <3

  5. Ma B

    So even you dont like little legends? Hmm…

  6. Xiarn

    Mort are you going to nerf thresh urgot or vanguard mystic?

  7. Xiarn

    Coming from a player who spammed vanguard mystic to diamond without playing any other comps and actually sucking at the game just build last whisper and ionic spark and you win

    Edit: Also Master Yi 3

  8. TSHRT

    100% crit chance: “oh, we crit”

  9. Oliver Virklund

    Urgot Jokes aside – One unit (even at lvl 1) being able to shred trough literally ANYTHING is too strong in my book. It can make Mech unplayable (even tho mech sorch is really strong right now) and I’ve seen it one shot Like 4 brawler Gnar 3 and so on. My biggest issue is that Urgot ignores GA, plus it’s too strong at lvl 1, even without synergies or items.

  10. Nick Perez

    What’s hodge item ?

  11. Mert Yoltay

    why mort has bisexual flag

  12. Marvell

    Hello, Mort
    Have you consider the fact that Urgot being able to instant kill any unit no what rank it is is unfair ? And that Urgot should only be able to kill units with thé same number of stars or less ( like veigar in set one ) ?

  13. crayhack

    I think mort might have a stroke during a stream from the amount of annoying questions he gets

  14. Alvin Tam

    tHrEsH INto UrGoT sO StrOnK pLZ nErF
    Ikr? It's almost as if having a really expensive unit having the ability to significantly sway the fight during the late stages of the game is a viable and powerful strategy. ☕

  15. Wahlig

    He's clearly salty as fuck about people complaining about Urgot; which no matter how you look at it, is the most antifun shit they've ever added to the game.

    Regardless of whether or not it's balanced according to the numbers it's not fun to play against and sort of invalidates certain super units like mechs or protector carries.

  16. František Fojt

    Don't let them tilt you Mort, haha, love the streams

  17. Max Barnaby

    Mortdog’s replies to Twitch chat are a breath of salty air and I’m here for it.

  18. khaled mohammad

    the comments are finally getting to his head, this community keeps destroying this hardworking kind man.

  19. Tigerduck Swagbroi

    When my game loads the ranked border „crowns“ are really low res, any idea why that might be?

  20. Benjamin Newell

    answer questions how ever you want Mort, it's your channel plus your sarcastic remarks are funny as hell

  21. howmi halmiev

    Pls work on sarcastic answers xD xD you can do better !!!

  22. hoangkim

    …little legends nooooo

  23. Rynojos

    What about a galaxy that every unit is a 1 cost? 100% common odds lvl 9, ekko3 by 3-3, any comp is possible early
    Just sayin this would be interesting

  24. EdwinJFC

    I have some problems with the "you got 2 five costs, you should be strong" argument, because, that would be nice, if it worked whenever you got 2 Five cost, which isn't the case. You can add a Thresh in pretty much every comp if you wanted to, you can't do that with Ekko /A.Sol.

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