TFT Galaxies: Introducing Blaster Brawler Jinx in Teamfight Tactics

by | Jul 24, 2023 | Vanguard IRA | 31 comments

Playing a ranked game on patch day, thought we were down and out, but a last minute comeback gave me the win. Great Jinx items too!

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Blaster Brawler Jinx: A Stellar Addition to TFT Galaxies

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Galaxies has introduced a plethora of exciting and unique champions, each with their own abilities and playstyle. One of the standout champions from this set is Blaster Brawler Jinx. Her explosive personality combined with powerful skills make her an exhilarating addition to any TFT team.

Blaster Brawler Jinx is a three-cost champion who belongs to the Rebel and Blaster traits. Her main role is as a ranged carry, dealing massive amounts of damage to the enemy team. When deployed on the battlefield, her skillset allows her to unleash chaos and destruction, turning the tide of any battle in her favor.

Jinx’s first ability is “Get Excited!” This passive ability grants her increased attack speed whenever she registers a takedown. As the fight progresses and the number of enemies diminish, Jinx’s attack speed skyrockets, transforming her into a deadly and unstoppable force. This ability not only adds a strategic element to her playstyle but also rewards players for taking out enemy units swiftly.

However, it is Jinx’s ultimate ability, “Super Mega Death Rocket!” that truly sets her apart. Once her Mana bar is full, she launches a massive rocket across the battlefield, dealing damage to all enemies in the vicinity. This ability has an added bonus: if the target is eliminated or critically hit, the rocket will deal increased damage to nearby enemies. This makes Jinx an incredible threat in team fights, as her ultimate can quickly turn the tables by wiping out multiple enemies in a single blow.

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To optimize Jinx’s potential, it is essential to select the right items for her. Items that increase her attack speed, such as Guinsoo’s Rageblade or Statikk Shiv, work exceptionally well for maximizing her damage output. Additionally, items that provide bonus mana or reduce her ultimate ability’s cooldown, like Spear of Shojin or Seraph’s Embrace, can ensure that she fires her rockets more frequently, decimating the enemy team.

When it comes to synergies, Jinx fits particularly well in a Rebel team composition. Combining her with champions like Aurelion Sol or Cassiopeia amplifies her damage potential, while her Blaster trait ensures that she unleashes additional attacks on her enemies. Furthermore, the Brawler trait can provide her with increased survivability, making her a formidable champion in the late game.

While Jinx has been a favorite in previous iterations of Teamfight Tactics, her Blaster Brawler version in TFT Galaxies takes her gameplay to new heights. Her explosive power, combined with the right items and synergies, make her a vital asset to any team composition. If used effectively, Jinx can dominate the battlefield and turn the tide of battles in your favor.

So, next time you’re playing TFT Galaxies, keep an eye out for Blaster Brawler Jinx. Her explosive personality and devastating abilities will undoubtedly leave a mark on your adversaries and secure your team’s victory. Let the Super Mega Death Rockets rain down!

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  1. noctarem96

    I hate getting against infiltrators when doing Blaster Brawlers. The backline still melts if you get one brawler on the back, yet you have to position your Jinx too close to the front line to be safe from AoE. And even after doing all of this, you are not 100% sure if you are going to fight the infiltrators in the next round unless many other players have been eliminated. Unlucky me always gets against infiltrator when hiding my Jinx and against AoE comps when placed too forward :")

  2. JC Not

    If Riot pays you so well, why do you stream for money?

  3. JC Not

    And yes, literally Shaco. The nerfs are likely gonna be targeted at him since he’s the only champion in the game that can double-dip on the aggro drop that I’m aware of. Triple dip if you count the fact that he’s an infiltrator.

  4. JC Not

    Easy: just revamp the way G.A. fucks with targeting. It’s half of what makes the item good and it also wouldn’t be too harsh of a downgrade. Or champions around could target a different one only until the dying champion revives.

  5. seagk1343

    What would you feel about the GA’d target refreshing aggro via a taunt of all enemy units within 2 hexes on respawn?
    Ga maintains its core identity as a revive, could potentially work on ranged carries via positioning and maybe giving the item some benefit to placing GA on super table units giving the item a different way to be used. It’s still fun to use on you characters bc it still has that core identity. Maybe this isn’t enough to stop the item from being an insane item. In that case increasing the respawn timer is sorta feelsbad however the added cc with the delayed taunt gives the other non-cc’d units to clear out the fodder of the team and get closer to the GA’d unit increasing the likelihood the taunt lands on multiple units.

    PS: thank you for talking about how you viewed game design on your videos sometimes and how you got to where you are, as a designer hopeful I really appreciate you talking about your roots

  6. Aaron Best

    What if an anivia passive (something similar at least) mechanic is added to GA?? Like it still drops aggro but a placeholder appears on the hex that can be re-aggroed or hit by AoE. If killed you die if not you come back as normal??

  7. Erebus Anima

    My god those suggestions….
    Also am I the only one who thinks GA is fine? I believe it's loyal to league's GA. It can be a game changer, but to the degree it should.
    Why bother nerfing GA

  8. Dionis

    It worked. But with rage blade. Later got the GS but on yas. Thnx.

  9. Joseph CroenianGamer

    Change a second of the revive for a second stuned.

  10. R R

    Why don't you negate 1 item slot of the champion in exchange for equipping GA?
    This way hyper-carries don't benefit that well from it and are definitely not that overpowered.

  11. minh tâm võ

    man that was close. Nice win

  12. Vidaris

    What if you change GA to go off one turn after being used? This doesnt change how good the item is, but make it less reliable

  13. LazyBob

    Mort, i like the idea of jhin and chronos but when he dies in GA he drops all the gained attackspeed as well.
    which makes the entire comb alot worse.
    Hopefully if u change GA to zhonya the attackspeed doesnt drop. Just my thoughts.

  14. Daniel Souza da Silva

    Haha you know the game is good when the developer has that reaction at the end.

  15. Frogfish999

    After GA pops the units should get aggro'd immediately like blitz pull

  16. Frogfish999

    A quality of life change for GA: let my units walk towards a unit that's respawning from GA if that's all that's left. Having my infiltrators stop moving while jhin revives because everything else died is really annoying.

  17. Just Ingrid

    Mech player didn't put the Zephyr on anyone in last fight

  18. Michman

    We all know star guardian urgot is the next champ to be added, mark my words

  19. Phant0mNights

    Omg he didn't see that his Luciano was 1 star. Ahhhh, and he still got first. Wtf. Hacks

  20. Bacterial Soap

    Mort your videos are super informative. I love the Q&A in each one and I learn more about how to play this game well and general good game design from you than I do on any other gaming channel. This was also a great game to watch to learn positioning. Keep up the great content

  21. Kim Jojo


  22. oniuserjh

    what is this so called "healthy" amount of games u speak of…

  23. Wills Ohrnberger

    YES MORT!! McDonalds is the bomb. I can eat McDonalds every day of the week. Big Mac meal, 2 cheeseburger meal, quarterpounder with cheese meal, or the 20piece nugget meal.

    Not saying it healthy. Not saying I do eat it every day. Just saying I could lmao

    My Dr: So how much fast food do you eat?
    Me : I eat fast food regularly
    Mr Dr: So you eat it one time a week, two times a week?
    Me: Yea… lets go with that (Actually eats fast food 10 times+ a week lol)

  24. DinoPony

    What if you just make GA like steel from set 2
    Once user is below 30%hp become invulnerable for X seconds.

  25. Captain Hemd

    I feel like damage immunity would be the best thing when you dont want the aggro drop. Like a mini tryndamere ult. But not cc immunity

  26. Scott Cameron

    For ga. When user takes lethal damage block damage and apply shield for x amount. This keeps it viable for what it’s used for. Save your carry from a one shot. While also not being too strong as targeting won’t be reset upon proc.

  27. Curtis Grunwaldt

    if agro drop is the problem with GA couldn't you somehow implement the blitzcrank knock up ago gain on the revive? (obviously without CC the GA user just use whatever it is that pushes agro onto the user)

  28. SKT Dovis

    hello my friend, nice video, just good

  29. Stevie

    mortdog i love your song list <3

  30. Gumbalina

    What if GA had the res time increased. They drop the aggro but are forced out of the fight for longer?

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