BREAKING: Fed Declares Permanent Bank Bailouts as Part of Efforts to Preserve the Financial System

by | Sep 27, 2023 | Bank Failures | 45 comments

The Fed has announced QE4 and will by BUYING toxic assets from the 4 Failing “Too Big to Fail” banks at face value. We have now transitioned into the Exponential Bailout territory looking for a $20T bank bailout from US Congress in November 2019!!…(read more)


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RED ALERT! Fed Announces Permanent Bank Bailouts to Save the System!! (Bix Weir)

In a shocking announcement that has sent tremors throughout the financial world, the Federal Reserve has declared that it is implementing permanent bank bailouts to protect the failing banking system. This bombshell revelation has raised concerns among economists and critics who argue that such an approach will only exacerbate the problems that have plagued the financial industry for decades.

The news, delivered by Bix Weir, a prominent financial analyst, has generated a wave of panic as people digest the implications of this unprecedented decision. The Federal Reserve, the central banking institution of the United States, has long been accused of favoring large financial institutions at the expense of the American people. This announcement seems to confirm those fears.

Weir argues that this move is an admission of failure by the Federal Reserve. Instead of addressing the root causes of the banking system’s fragility, they have resorted to continuously bailing out banks whenever they face financial distress. This perpetual cycle of rescue operations has created a moral hazard, where banks have little incentive to be cautious or responsible. They know that they will always be saved regardless of their risky behavior, creating a dangerous precedent in the financial world.

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The consequences of such a policy are dire. For one, it puts the burden of saving failing banks squarely on the shoulders of the taxpayers. When a bank is bailed out, it often means that taxpayer money is used to plug the financial holes created by poor management or excessive risk-taking. This redistribution of wealth from the public to the financial elites has stoked public anger and resentment, as it becomes increasingly clear that the system is rigged in favor of the big players.

Furthermore, by continually propping up failing banks, the Federal Reserve perpetuates a system that is fundamentally flawed. Instead of allowing natural selection to take place, where inefficient or poorly managed banks would be allowed to fail, the Fed’s policy ensures their survival, promoting a culture of irresponsibility and recklessness. This approach prevents new financial institutions from emerging, stifling innovation and competition within the industry.

Weir’s announcement is a wake-up call for society as a whole. It highlights the urgent need for a complete overhaul of the financial system. The powers that be must face the fact that a banking system built on unstable foundations is doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. Real reform is not only necessary but also imperative if we are to prevent such catastrophic events from occurring in the future.

In conclusion, the recent revelation by Bix Weir regarding the Federal Reserve’s decision to implement permanent bank bailouts has sent shockwaves through the financial world. This move, which many see as an admission of failure, not only places an unfair burden on taxpayers but also perpetuates a system that is fundamentally flawed. It is high time for society to demand real reform and accountability within the financial sector to avoid such crises in the future.

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  2. brandon bolander

    DTCC made deals with the company Ripple=XRP. Why you leave that part out? Also Ripple is makin deals with over 250 world banks and much more. NOT LITECOIN. Why dont you tell the whole story and the truth?

  3. Axis Galaxis

    Its what happens when u put pervert neo nazi professional corruptionist TERRORIST in political n economic power…but u blame a former black president or usa minority poor for a economic hardship.. ..a people who got zero money or resources! …but ya dont say crapola to d rich pervert white guys robbing ya all blind with d actual money.

  4. James Leth

    The fact is a criminal enterprise has its hands around the future of humanity, and its demonic

  5. samslo

    Banks should be aloud to fail.. Thieves

  6. Phil Leach

    I think you mean exponential with an N no word expodential with a D

  7. Gotnum Pompalarim

    Oh boiiiii call me crazy if Bitcoin wil soar in 2020-2021

  8. Rod Lloyd

    They love their Sept 11th dont they..

  9. Joey P4099

    XRP is going to be the ONE!

  10. Mel Fiscus

    America isn’t the only country facing collapse ..
    Deutsche Bank is facing collapse also ..
    It’s Europe’s largest bank and is failing ..
    My guess is that the money going to America’s five major banks
    is also going to Europe to bail them out as well ..
    If Deutsche Bank fails the whole western economy will collapse ..
    Same with America’s banks ; if one of America’s major banks
    fails the whole western economy will collapse ..
    It’s just a matter of time before the whole system collapses ..

  11. Coach 2640220

    The indictment that matters:

    Bank of America, JP Morgan, CitiBank, Goldman Sachs

    International banking malfeasance leading to economic crisis and international economic damages.

    Cease and desist all banking operations and turn over all operations & assets to federal judicial authority, review, and
    damage resolution and control.


    For the $20-trillion-America-economy-bailout is with the 327-million-America-people
    with the $61,162-per-person
    with the $6116-per-10-year
    with the $510-per-120-month-each-person-bailout.

    America Congress:
    No evidence? New idea:

  12. Jacques Perreault

    USD is going to bow to RMB, in respect to gold, the true reference. How about USD devaluating to the point peging 1 to 1 with chinese yuan. This is one avenue possible for a flash (crash) monetary reset. Of course, gold price, with ending manipulation, with linking Shanghaï gold exchange to COMEX, so bringing link to real gold competing directly against paper gold riging market, may be going to soare spectacularly. Inception date : October monday the 14th. Interesting, right?

  13. Jimmy Johns

    Bix…the guys on Reluctant Preppers are ripping you apart calling you delusional and just a comic book follower…thats weird…comic books, road to roota….they really think you are nuts and a scammer…I would talk to them again.

  14. johnmichael karma

    thanks Bix for your many years of important info

  15. Al

    Спасибо за видео!!! +++ From Russia with Love)

  16. Bobby Badabing

    Bix. There are so many people whose livelihoods depend on these markets that nobody is going to tell the Emperor he has no clothes. Traders will keep on trading. They are all intentionally ignoring the problem. Why? Well to solve the problem means to end their careers. Like I said, until excess money actually impacts the population this money printing will continue. People don't understand that the rise in Healthcare, Education and Housing costs are due to this money leaking into the real world. They think it's Republican greed, or Corporate greed or government interference. It's not. It's the value of money being destroyed by this very action you are seeing here. People put their heads in the sand about all those costs but when food becomes unaffordable they cannot.

  17. Bobby Badabing

    There's no need for Congress to bail out the banks if the Fed is willing to. The big question is, "Why did the Fed refuse to bail out in 2008 making it necessary for Congress to do it"?

    Until that money enters essential markets (Food, Medical, Rent) it can continue with the American Public blissfully ignorant.

  18. Crypto Pioneer

    Get your money out of the stock market and banks now, put it in Crypto currency XRP while you can.

  19. Dante Ochotorena

    Congress can't fix this with middle class unless everyone wants to work for free….

  20. MegzeeR

    This is inevitable when an economy uses the financial sector as it's main economic indicators for economic health

  21. Johnny Tang

    Wouldn't that make you feel Fiat money is absolutely Garbage !

  22. NOW is ALL u HAVE

    Spot on Bix, you nailed this call!

  23. Jimmy b747

    great video from the best channel on utube you hit this one out of the park again thank you and keep up the good work

  24. iam4iam

    Everything points to one or a 2nd big bank is failing and the banks don't trust each other's assets to back the loans to each other. Which requires a 3rd party to step in (the FED). Repos are a sly and unethical way to print and spend taxpayer money without their consent. Another form of taxation without representation.

  25. Jaded Optimist

    How long after the implosion will silver and gold go⏫⏫⏫⏫⏫?

  26. cpom11

    Q E 4 ever….

  27. hayesman76

    Thank you, Bix. NO ONE can explain things like this as well as you do.

  28. greg mann

    We own the banks then

  29. greg mann

    Make me a trillion too

  30. Crypto Speculator

    Praying and hoping for a sane resolution via some sort of reset or “switchover” to a new system. May common sense, solvency, and transparency reign!

  31. Pablo

    Sweet Jesus, this is going to explode! It ain't a surprise to those who are in the know but just imagine those who think everything is fine and dandy. People are going to lose their minds.

  32. Deia Draper

    At the bank's bills are getting paid that means my credit card bills I don't have to pay them because the banks are already getting paid for them that means if I pay them they're getting paid twice I digress

  33. traveler 88

    Usually the markets know these things in advance and I don’t understand why the stock market closed up so big today.

  34. Dudeboy

    Shades of Billy Mays, "But wait! There's more!" What I don't really understand Bix, is why the hell do we keep giving money to the very people who cause the problem in the first place.

  35. Christopher Johnson

    Spot on finally the shit will hit the fan. Hope it's not to late to buy some silver on monday

  36. fergal farrelly

    So should we buy bitcoin now or wait?

  37. mel4stars

    It is not often that I re-watch a video, must do so here. A lot to digest.

  38. Zuriel 1

    looks like my piggy bank is worth more than all these banks combined!

  39. Ivar Plavinskis

    Thanks for the update, stacking, stacking, stacking!!!!

  40. Garry Seals

    This is all the way to the chip !

  41. Roberto Gil

    Game over for you and your stupid subs waiting for silver to go to the sky. All you have left is making videos crying about how the banks manipulate everything like that is gonna change a thing of how the world works . Money talks mr loser and that is something you or any of your subs dont have . You have no money you have no power you dont exists . So sit down and watch how the bullies eat your lunch everyday day for the next 100 years. You and your losing subs are gonna complain about how unfair and miserable your life are thanks to the criminal banks while a very few of us are gonna be making money. And guess where are we taking that money from? The crying team sucker . So stick to your silver, useless scammer. And for the not so fool ones remember. Money is power power is freedom, silver has no value unless the rich guys say so so a buch of youtuber saying silver should be more expensive is like hearing and ant telling and elephant to watch where he steps on. It would be sweet but useless. Bye sweet losers.

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