Congress Reveals Biden’s Confidential Registry, Depriving Americans of their Rights

by | Sep 23, 2023 | Silver IRA | 21 comments

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Are You On It? Congress Just Exposed Biden’s Secret List Of Americans Stripping Them Of Everything!

In a shocking revelation, Congress has recently uncovered President Biden’s secret list of Americans, leading to concerns over their privacy and constitutional rights. This list, which reportedly includes individuals from various political backgrounds, is an alarming reminder of the potential abuses of power by the current administration.

The existence of such a list has raised questions about the President’s intentions and the extent to which the government is willing to go in order to exert control over its citizens. With recent concerns over the erosion of civil liberties and government surveillance, this revelation has only intensified people’s anxieties.

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The notion that Americans could be stripped of everything they possess, whether it be financial assets, property, or even their personal freedom, is deeply unsettling. It directly contradicts the principles upon which the United States was founded, including the protection of individual rights and due process.

Worryingly, the lack of transparency surrounding this list further casts doubt on its legitimacy and the fairness of the process. If a secret list indeed exists, it begs the question: who determines who gets on it? What criteria are used? And most importantly, are these individuals provided with an opportunity to defend themselves and contest their inclusion?

Moreover, this discovery underscores the broader issue of government overreach and the potential for abuse of power. It serves as a reminder that citizens must remain vigilant in holding their elected officials accountable and demanding transparency in all matters that impact their lives.

The implications of this secret list extend beyond the immediate concerns of those included. It undermines the trust that citizens should have in their government and its commitment to protect their rights and freedoms. If the government can quietly compile a list of Americans and strip them of their possessions without due process, what other rights are at risk of being trampled upon?

In the face of this revelation, it is imperative that Congress and the American public demand answers and transparency from the Biden administration. The government must be held accountable for its actions, and steps must be taken to ensure that no individual’s rights are violated.

See also 

Every American, regardless of their political affiliation, should be deeply troubled by the existence of a secret list that could potentially strip them of everything they hold dear. It is a stark reminder that safeguarding our rights and upholding the principles of democracy require constant vigilance and an unwavering commitment to justice.

In the coming weeks, Congress will undoubtedly scrutinize this revelation and seek to hold the necessary hearings and investigations. As citizens, it is our responsibility to stay informed and engaged, advocating for transparency, accountability, and the preservation of our constitutional rights.

Are you on it? The mere prospect should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans. We must remain vigilant and resolute in our fight to protect our rights, as they are the cornerstone of our democracy.

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  1. Cindy Palombo

    There’s to much corruption going on

  2. Janet Bracco

    how do i get a copy of the list. Surely those of us that support Next News Network, Lisa's channel, Donald Trump, and all the consertive talk show hosts are on this list

  3. K.L. Hollister

    Oh don’t worry, Trump already got their list dialed in. It’s all Jesuit Puppet Theatre.

  4. Louisiana Patriot

    The Patriot Act gave them the right.

  5. Dwight Hayes

    OSS created CIA. Then took over American National Intelligence in 1940s.

  6. Dwight Hayes

    The Black Pope told Hitler North America is their final conquest.

  7. Dwight Hayes

    I said it before, mass illegal immigration is in Communist Manifesto as how to change society under government, which is quickest way to change government. He is Catholic and he visits and reveers Pope. The Censored book "The Unholy Trinity" will explain what Vatican involvement has been doing for decades. All Nazi SS were Catholic and Freemason. All secret societies are under Auspices of Roman Catholic Church and Black Pope. They are running a communist insurgency into the Americas. That's how Chavez and Maduro came to power.

  8. Christopher Dixon

    #Love You #LisaHaven I'm Am Sorry, I Don't Believe In What You Feel Is Real "I" Despise #Israel "They Are DESTROYING #America " I PAY EVERYDAY For My Beliefs. There Is #Love "I" Do Not Blame You. "I' Am Sorry M'Lady

  9. Dwight Hayes

    I was just going to say this looks like Stalin's plan.

  10. Norm Ferguson

    Security at the price of liberty is not freedom,it is tyranny.

  11. Kim Dewbre

    The current administration are scabs!!!

  12. Brian Larsen

    Look into Gang Stalking. The unseen, very little trace, weaponized 5g . Spying into your house, your minds, Murder by torture.

  13. Johnathan P

    When will people learn they don’t care if it’s illegal no one is going to do nothing about it so they don’t care.

  14. A W

    With the passing away of Rush Limbaugh. You are my new favorite conservative voice.

  15. MrGreenlantern69man

    They think because they are in a seat of power that they can do the same things that China and Nazi Germany does and did. Wrong it's illegal.

  16. justoldog

    At this rate, we purebloods will have to migrate and create our own societies in third world nations.

  17. Sam Thomas

    We will win JOE and we will not cheat like you.

  18. Jackie Boyd

    Oldvereran here ..BRING IT ON …..DON'T TREAD ON ME

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