David Jeremiah’s 7 Biblical Principles for Ready-ing Yourself for a Potential 2023 Economic Slump

by | May 25, 2023 | Recession News | 37 comments

For many people, worry, anxiety, and fear are constant companions: fear of death, fear of danger, fear of disease. And too often, these fears are crippling, keeping us from the life God has called us to live.

But it doesn’t have to be that way, says Dr. David Jeremiah. As Christians, we have been given all we need in order to face down even the most frightening, unexpected, and overwhelming obstacles in life.

Dr. Jeremiah explores fear of financial loss in this interview with Moira Brown and shares the Biblical insight for facing down this fear with faith.

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0:00 Introduction
1:05 Decide to trust in the Lord.
2:19 Do things that honour the Lord.
3:29 Dwell on the faithfulness of the Lord.
4:10 Delight yourself in the Lord.
5:09 Dedicate your life to the Lord.
5:42 Download your worry to the Lord.
6:47 Discipline yourself to wait on the Lord….(read more)

BREAKING: Recession News


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As the world grapples with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s becoming increasingly clear that the global economy is not immune to its far-reaching effects. Many economists predict that a recession is on the horizon, with some forecasting that it could hit as early as 2023. While the possibility of a recession may be concerning, it’s important to remember that the Bible offers us guidance on how to prepare for difficult times. In this article, we’ll explore 7 Biblical principles outlined by Pastor David Jeremiah that can help you prepare for a 2023 recession.

1. Save for a rainy day.

In Proverbs 21:20, we’re told “The wise store up choice food and olive oil, but fools gulp theirs down.” This means that we should be saving for a time when our resources may be limited. One of the best ways to prepare for a recession is to save money. Set aside a portion of your income each month and avoid unnecessary expenses.

2. Avoid debt.

Proverbs 22:7 warns us, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” Debt can be a trap that can hold us back from achieving financial freedom, particularly in times of economic hardship. Try to avoid taking on unnecessary debt, and pay off any existing debt as soon as possible.

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3. Don’t rely on material possessions for security.

Matthew 6:19-20 advises us not to store up treasures on earth, but rather to store up treasures in heaven. In other words, we should not place our security and hope in material possessions, which can be fleeting. Instead, we should trust in God’s provision and rely on our faith.

4. Be generous.

Proverbs 11:25 tells us that “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.” Even in difficult times, it’s important to remain generous and to give to others in need. By doing so, we can not only help those in need but also make a positive impact on our own well-being.

5. Have a plan.

Proverbs 15:22 advises us that “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed.” In order to navigate a recession successfully, it is important to have a plan in place. Seek counsel from trusted advisors, and make sure your financial plan is aligned with your values and priorities.

6. Focus on the long-term.

Romans 5:3-4 reminds us that “We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character; and character, hope.” During difficult times, we should remain focused on the long-term and believe that we will emerge stronger from the adversity.

7. Trust in God’s plan.

Proverbs 3:5-6 assures us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” Ultimately, we should trust in God’s plan and have faith that he will provide for us even during difficult times.

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In conclusion, while the prospect of a recession may be daunting, we can find comfort in the fact that the Bible offers us guidance on how to prepare. By following these 7 Biblical principles outlined by Pastor David Jeremiah, we can develop a mindset of preparedness that will help us weather any financial storm.

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  1. 100huntley

    7 Biblical Principles to Prepare for a Recession:
    1:05 Decide to trust in the Lord.
    2:19 Do things that honour the Lord.
    3:29 Dwell on the faithfulness of the Lord.
    4:10 Delight yourself in the Lord.
    5:09 Dedicate your life to the Lord.
    5:42 Download your worry to the Lord.
    6:47 Discipline yourself to wait on the Lord.

  2. Renee Bradford

    God told me today soon be a down rrssession time he said every time I go to the supermarket buy a bag of tin food because soon there will be no power no water only those who listen to him do what he says

  3. Red Reeler

    We've been in a recession!!!

  4. Patricia Carlos

    I feel sad that even though I am investing, I don't have the brain power to dig through how each company is doing, is this a good time to buy stocks or not, my reserve of $450K is laying waste to inflation and I don't know what to do at this point tbh, I need solid data on market trajectory

  5. kerry guzman

    I think I could survive the coming recession if my net worth was 10% of Dr.David Jeremiah's net worth,I don't have it so I will to be believe God will provide the means or I will just have to cut my expenses down

  6. Celia Rayson

    The world is already in a recession. This is nothing new.

  7. Trish Weber

    I had to say that this host seems very put on gives me a bad vibe. He was great but I had to stop listening because of her. I hope she learns to relax when interviewing.

  8. John Smith

    Only 1… Trust and obey. in all of life's trials. the old song… Trust and obey.

  9. Guylaine Lavoie

    We have been hearing "recession" for years.
    It's been HERE for years.

    What we are headed for is depression, rationing. People are already going without food. There's nothing NEW HERE!
    Both my parents have lived through the depression born in the 20s. The only difference was that they farmed and knew how to stretch a budget. They both passed away and im glad thar they are not here to see this. The trudeaus, bidens and zelenskys of the word have NO CLUE!!!!! And never will. We, on the other hand, working hard to "survive" already are experiencing this. Food bank use by people working full time, families relying on church food donation, ITS ALREADY HAPPENING!

  10. John Richardson

    Here's a bit of sound financial advice. Stop giving money to the church

  11. Mark Smith

    U r a freaking idiot!!!!!

  12. Praveen Kumar

    Praise the Lord.Blessed by this message.

  13. Sharon Webb

    Brilliant! My favourite psalm. As young children I would say Ps 37:3 to them as I said goodnight and they still know it today… I am expecting great fruit in their lives from this verse and all His promises actually! Thank you for this great interview

  14. MustangGal 61

    I haven't seen anything so Biblically correct in a long time regarding how to survive the current economic turmoil which is threatening become much worse.

  15. Pee Cee

    I appreciate your openess and honesty. I also truly understand how you feel. I could copy and paste almost all of your comments and it would not be plagiarism. BUT!!! Yes that 3 letter word "But" joined with the most Potent, Awsome, Magnificent most Glorious, most Worthy of all words "GOD" : thus "BUT GOD" has made the difference. Read and meditate on all bible References that has these two phrases together and I guarantee you, you next comments will be 'BUT GOD' has changed me and helped me to: " …whatever state I am to be content" as the spostle Paul stated. "Try it, you'll like it" ( remember that slogan)

  16. Betsy Hall

    I have faced financial loss, loss of my health and loss of family—God has always been faithful and has never left a need unmet in 38 years of chronic illness–when you trust in God, His grace is sufficient in all ways. Trust in Him in all times!!!! "Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus"!!!

  17. Debbie Hall

    Amen. God bless you Dr. David Jeremiah

  18. Judy M

    God is not the author of your bad times. You are being tested. Stay strong and don't give up.

  19. Judith P Craig

    Just say "Jesus" name over and over. Jesus will help. Always say His Name over and over. There is grace and live in His Name.

  20. Randy Reneau

    Is Christianity just a way to scarce people, if you read John the 13 chapter is Jesus gay? Why would a man take off his garment to wash his fellow feet? If you read the Bible look at David and Jonathan were they gay? Taking clothing off by another man isn’t that gay? What about Peter being naked in a boat with others and put on his clothes to swim ashore. And who wrote the Gospels were not Jewish. They didn’t know of Jewish law. And why is the pass over not seen as being the time of a execution? It doesn’t make sense, killing someone on the Passover. And why they meet at night wasn’t that wrong? These religious holidays were rules that were not to be broken. Jewish law was not known by the writings of the Gospels. And wasn’t Roman Law not obsessed, being in an execution not person was at it except the Romans. According to Acts Steven was stoned to death, why was Jesus bought before Pilate? Things in the Gospels don’t add up.

  21. Samuel Scragg

    Amen, trusting in the Lord is a must for a believing Christian. It’s not our time frame it’s his!

  22. Hubie Maddox

    I believe in GoD but Not in the interpretation of a Preachers interpretation.

    Fear is Created by aMan ….

    We are born to Learn. And it’s True, it is better to Give then Receive.
    Because God gave us two sides of a Brain & a Heart To Love.

    Go Out into Nature & talk to God By listening to Him.
    And Yes, The DeviL has LiveD to Control us in Capitalism …
    By the Demons in Human Vehicles

  23. mike koleman

    I have one principle—– pay off your bills and put money in your own home safe

  24. Polski Girl

    Coming??? It’s already here……there is a coming depression….prepare people prepare…

  25. Elsie Schmaltz

    Thank God your here ,we need this!

  26. Elsie Schmaltz

    I will trust in God and not be afraid . Even Jesus said that when the disciples were on boat when Jesus was asleep and they said they were going to die and Jesus said that where was their faith???.

  27. Whizbang

    Our two adult children who were raised in a Christian, not perfect, home. They have both abandoned us as so many adult children are doing. This is a subject not being discussed enough. It is as if Satan has invaded their hearts. This has been the most heartbreaking event in my life. It sure tests your faith.

  28. Sheryl Sisler

    Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you!
    In other words, don't worry!

  29. Char N

    God is so good – pray for wisdom He will give it to you many thanks for for your teaching I really have learned so much

  30. jimmy tiler

    tell whats really coming preacher man.

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