Fear of Bank Run Causes Bankers to Conceal the Largest Bailout since 2008

by | May 18, 2023 | Bank Failures | 40 comments

Bankers are likely covering up the biggest bailout since 2008 as the Swiss banking system is facing a liquidity crisis that could lead to a bank run. The dollar shortage has everything to do with aggressive central bank rate hikes that will likely lead to an economic apocalypse.

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In the wake of the financial crisis of 2008, the world’s major economies turned to massive bailouts to help save the banking sector from collapsing. These bailouts were necessary to prevent a major global recession from turning into a depression. However, it has recently been reported that bankers are attempting to cover up the biggest bailout since 2008 out of fears of a bank run.

A bank run is when people lose confidence in a bank and withdraw their money en masse. This can lead to a collapse of the banking system, as the bank cannot meet all withdrawal requests. Bankers fear that if the public finds out the extent of the recent bailout, they will lose trust in the banking system and begin to withdraw their money, causing a bank run.

The bailout in question is the Federal Reserve’s recent intervention in the overnight lending market. This market is where banks lend money to each other to meet their reserve requirements. On September 17, 2019, the overnight lending market experienced a sudden spike in interest rates, indicating that banks were experiencing a shortage of funds. The Federal Reserve stepped in and injected billions of dollars into the market to help stabilize it.

Since then, the Federal Reserve has continued to provide daily injections of cash to the overnight lending market. Many analysts estimate that the total amount of money injected into the market is between $1.5 trillion and $2.0 trillion. This is a massive injection of funds, larger than the bailouts of 2008, but there has been little public acknowledgement of it.

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The reason for the lack of public acknowledgement is due to fears of a bank run. If the public knew that the banking sector required such a massive infusion of funds, it could cause panic and lead to people pulling their money out of banks. This in turn could lead to a collapse of the banking system.

Bankers argue that the lack of publicity is necessary to prevent a bank run from occurring. However, critics argue that the lack of transparency is problematic. By hiding the true extent of the bailout, banks are not being held accountable for their actions. It also prevents regulators from being able to fully evaluate the health of the banking system.

In conclusion, it is clear that bankers are covering up the biggest bailout since 2008 out of fears of a bank run. While the fear of a bank run is understandable, the lack of transparency is problematic and prevents proper evaluation of the banking system. It is important for regulators and the public to understand the true extent of the bailout to ensure the continued stability of the banking system.

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  1. B S

    Steve, your channel with Jeff's University and the Maverick of Wall Street channels are my daily must-see items. Not only they are informative, but entertaining. Thank you for your daily updates.

  2. DANK

    Bail Ins not bail outs!

  3. Jeremy Cable

    Intrest on 11billion is like 74.5 million per day

  4. Yang Savory

    It seems they steal money from tax payers.

  5. Greg George

    Investing appropriately today can save you a whole. lot of stress in the nearest future

  6. The Pumpkin King

    I just watched commercials with this video thrown in occasionally

  7. Mark Herndon

    LA Grande ECB head and Greece has been super quiet so I figure there it is…

  8. Leaf Odan

    Most people I talk to don’t even know that the fed was bailing banks out to the tune of trillions in 2020. The corporate media kept that nice and quiet.

    This was all planned since 2008.

    This is why bitcoin exist. To stop banks. To rid us of them. We don’t need them at all.

    People just don’t know that.

  9. Brian Betron

    THUMBS DOWN: time for a lapel mic for better audio, you sound like you are in your bathroom.

  10. Scott McCloud

    Quantitative Easing ended in May 2022. Is this QE2?

  11. LoveWatchingTele

    the biggest crime is letting banks invvest in the stock market without limits. next will be crypto. the liquidity crisis leading people to crypto? is that the goal? CBs all seem to be unified to torpedo the fiat by making it worthless. We are being led to our own demise. Need to know how to prepare and don't say gold. that's for noobs. i cannot store everything in my closets and i do not trust storage facilities based in western countries. they will seize it

  12. LANDSHARK7130 K

    The revolution will not be televised.

  13. seancsnm

    I wonder who is more confused in the last 6-8 months – gold bugs or treasury bugs. As far as I can see, the tug-of-war between falling consumer buying power and rising energy prices doesn't have a clear winner yet. Until then, I think inflation remains elevated.

  14. ricardo flores

    Stagflation depression , sells as you can.

  15. Paul R

    The fractional reserve banking system was created as a nation asset stripping crime wave dressed up as help.

  16. Fantastic Chupacabra

    I am Swiss, many Swiss people like me have started buying USD, we are a fearful and cautious population that does not want to end up like the UK or Japan.

  17. Nikola Žunić

    doesn't matter if banks fail, you wont be able to buy anything with whatever is left of exciting Excelcurrencies… pension funds and recreational bond-holders will be left holding the bag

  18. jeffrey stuart

    It's Inflate or DIE! Hyper-Inflation here we GO!

  19. Sharon Munoz

    Biden is trying to destroy the American dollar so that he can make way for the ID digital currency and guess who donated to the cause Bill Gates 1.9 billion dollars for the ID digital currency

  20. Jose Pablo Luna Sanchez

    Cancellation of orders. I see them as a remnant from pandemic era. Companies had to order way in advance to get inventory. Now orders do not need that. So a high inventory accumulated, that needs to be depleted. So I can see resuming orders after that happens.

  21. H B

    CASH is KING!

  22. imustbedum

    A customer of mine today in the US said she was told today that the entire company had to take a 20% pay cut, to avoid 20% layoffs…..she's a mortgage underwriter. It has started

  23. R J

    What ever happened to the "Stress Tests".??

  24. Air Lar

    Didn't they eliminate "bailouts" and allow for "bail INS" (ie. take your deposits and give you stock in their failing company) via Dodd-Frank?

  25. Doodle Gassum

    Banks bailed out, on condition they debank dissidents

  26. James Coffey

    the discount window is a whorehouse, the SNB is a massage shop…..

  27. Rafael Birkner

    CS simply needs half a billy $ to pay the fine…. again

  28. mo sheridan

    Cut us interest rates now

  29. Quang Lam

    That mean there won't be bank runs?

  30. Scott Taylor

    Can you break down the velocity of money and the M2 in respect to what we are seeing inflation wise?

  31. J M

    Obviously the banks are desperate and may collapse.

  32. Levi TheOnlyLevi

    Collapse until 2024 election then spur the economy and tell everybody current administration is responsible for the great boom… normies will buy it everytime

  33. Levi TheOnlyLevi

    Dr SVM, the patient?=the economy…lol

  34. Thomas Kauser

    I just can't see how jpow expects to live a normal life and still be in the United states? After this is finished he will have less options than Snowden?

  35. justin jones

    In Ontario our stress test is 9%. Get fucked guys

  36. justin jones

    They don’t want any retail competition anymore. Sickening monetary practices globally. There is no way out of this, they have to raise rates higher than the banking system collateralized there debt off of

  37. Thomas Kauser

    With the amount of times a FED board member gives its views over free lunch and cocktails you would think they should have to keep public notes of correspondences between themselves ?
    They are not part of government and should provide more transparency ?
    The actions of the last 6 months should at least warrant a group meeting in front of Congress ?

  38. Peace & Grace

    Basic retail junk that you do not need will continue to fall in price, but food and fuel will not !

  39. Gregory Sagegreene

    According to George Gammon
    it's all about international counterparties not being able to trust each other anymore on swiffering back their made up magic U.S. Fiat Ledgers because they don't know who could go under first. So they go cap in hand to the window.

    Just imagine if you and I could pull that kind of shit between ourselves, instead of these bigwigs, what a different kind of world it might be.

    When this crap happened in 2008, and the drama was out there, the Fed started this process of allowing those U.S. Banks in distress back then to not be named.

    If the Swiss thing was 'just for a profit', no one would want to be hiding.

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