“FED’s Latest Interest Rate Hike Predicted to Worsen Recession”

by | May 17, 2023 | Recession News | 37 comments

In this short clip, Patrick Bet-David, Peter Navarro, Tom Ellsworth and Adam Sosnick talk about the FED increasing the interest rates.

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BREAKING: Recession News


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The Federal Reserve has increased interest rates for a third time, raising the benchmark interest rate to between 2 percent and 2.25 percent. The decision was made in response to the strengthening US economy, low unemployment rate and rising inflation levels.

Although the move was expected, critics have voiced concerns that the increase in interest rates will trigger a worse recession. This is because higher interest rates can make borrowing more expensive for businesses and consumers, which can lead to a decrease in spending, investment and economic activity.

Furthermore, the rate hike could make it harder for consumers to pay off debts, such as loans and credit card balances. This could lead to a rise in defaults, which could have negative consequences for banks and financial institutions. These concerns have been heightened by a recent increase in mortgage rates, which has led to a slowdown in the housing market.

The downside of the decision to increase interest rates is that it is likely to affect the bond market. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note is already hovering around 3 percent, which could indicate that investors are becoming worried about rising inflation levels and the impact of higher interest rates on economic growth.

See also  The Events of an Economic Recession

Critics argue that the Fed’s decision to raise interest rates could also put pressure on emerging markets, many of which have large amounts of dollar-denominated debt. This could cause a further slowdown in global economic growth, as countries such as Turkey and Argentina struggle to repay their debt obligations.

However, the Fed has defended its decision, stating that it is necessary to keep inflation levels in check and to prevent the economy from overheating. The central bank has also stated that it is committed to maintaining financial stability and ensuring that the economy remains on a sustainable path.

Overall, the decision to increase interest rates is a controversial one that has both positive and negative consequences. While it may help to keep inflation levels in check and prevent the economy from overheating, it could also lead to a slowdown in economic activity and put pressure on the bond market and emerging markets. It remains to be seen how the economy will respond to this latest rate hike, but one thing is certain – the decision is likely to have far-reaching consequences for the US and global economy.

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  1. Valuetainment

    what are your thoughts on FED increasing the rates?

  2. Jo Lin

    Old rules dont apply to new market: Today is no more a big middle class to make these numbers out of, its a tiny, tiny middle class, and a new bigger group of a LOT of real estate buyers who is INVESTORS!

  3. Marie Calascione

    The Feds has unleashed chaos! In light of the impending recession and the fact that inflation is still far higher than the Fed's 2% target, several of the most prominent market analysts have been expressing their views on how terrible they believe the next downturn will be and how far stocks may have to go. I'm looking for recommendations on what investments to make since I want to amass a portfolio worth at least $850k by the time I'm 60.

  4. Eminent Casper

    I'm not in any event joking when I say that the market crash and high inflation have me really stressed out and worried about retirement. I've been in the red for a while now and although people say these crisis has it perks, I'm losing my mind but I get it, Investing is a long-term game, so I try to focus on the long term.

  5. Sue Cole

    I see 2-3yrs recession. Fed will raise interests in Sept 2022 if inflation doesn't peak. Inflation is producing a slew of problems throughout the world, including food shortages, diesel and heating fuel shortages, and housing prices and financial market crash. This global collapse might end up being a part of us for a very long time. With inflation currently at about 9%, my primary concern is how to maximize my savings/retirement fund of about $300k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains.

  6.  Benoit Massicotte

    I'm not kidding when I say that the market crash and high inflation have me really stressed out and worried about retirement. I've been in the red for a while now and although people say these crisis has it perks, I'm losing my mind but I get it Investing is a long-term game, so focus on the long run.

  7. Roberto Vaca

    Debt free here sitting on some cash. I’ve been out bid for 3 years now. I’m waiting and hoping.

  8. Pamela Taylor

    The market and the Fed consistently underestimate the sticky nature of inflation. The markets are still unsure if the Federal Reserve will continue to its plan to raise interest rates until inflation is under control, despite the fact that bond yields are rising while stock prices are falling. What is the greatest strategy to take advantage of the current bear market while I'm still deciding whether to sell my $401k worth of stocks?

  9. Ross Malagarie

    The feds have to keep increasing the interest rates because us middle class can still afford to buy stuff.

  10. Jerry P

    6:48 amen. $60 barrels a share under trump. let me google…gas prices…covid…airplanes stacked…floatillas of oil. great. all biden has to do is do a lockdown, nobody drives, no airline travel, and then his avg price per barrell…3 years later, can be quoted as being lower…never mind the details of WHY the price of oil averaged $60. what were they going for then…Negative how many dollars?????

    Gots to pay attention to find out where the nonsense is

  11. Jerry P

    let's see what all these idiots have to say. oh…that guy with the goatee and glasses…he says way less nonsense that these other guys

  12. Steven Gauna

    I was with him until he mentioned Trump. This man puts way to much faith in Authoritarianism.

  13. J K

    Inflation is a recession that can't be measured properly.

    It's a recession in disguise.

  14. J K

    The idea of federally controlled interest rates is a big problem.

    Interest should always match or exceed inflation.

    What we have had is a inverse relationship between interest rates and inflation over the last decade and a half at the very least.

    I do think this low rationing up is more of a political maneuver unless of a economic one.

    We are pretty deep in the hole here and need to completely rework the rules of the game.

  15. mike willie

    Don’t know why I come and watch idiots

  16. Andy William

    The fed pumped the economy with so much money during the pandemic, and de-dollarization at other countries are in effect. To crush inflation and increase the value of the dollar, the fed would need to raise interest rates for the entirety of the summer

  17. J316

    When are you folks gonna admit “they” are doing this on purpose…………? Instead y’all are continuing to “sit” on talk shows admitting to watching and witnessing the purposeful implosion of our society on purpose, and……….your not gonna do one thing about, but…….watch!

  18. Cuz1971

    It can be stopped if the banks NOT go with the reset the devaluation/ eliminating the $$$$ and switch to crypto or use of credit vouchers instead of cash.
    World economic forum wants to destroy the USA economic strength and take control of how and when you can use your money i.e. a merit system.
    Any bank which remains with the US $ I believe will do extremely well because they will have a surge in business.
    The US economy will be completely destroyed if the USA goes with the change.

  19. theslowevo

    The US is producing more oil today than it has at any other time in modern history.

  20. theslowevo

    This is fearmongering BS.

  21. theslowevo

    Trump got us into this mess.

  22. Kelson Penn

    I think the FED will raise one more time in June and then hold and wait. The Jobs Report for April came in better than expected and it seems that is the number 1 indicator the FED is looking at when it comes to their policy strategy. They are very wary of bring down rates too soon as they know what can happen as the 1970's have shown.

  23. Vin scully

    Democrats are 100% trying to destroy America. This isn’t from me listening to “conspiracy theorists” online. This is me looking at what they’re doing, and connecting the fucking dots

  24. A m a r Singg

    People blaming the Fed are dumb. It's stupid liberals and liberal economic policy that got us into this mess

  25. Bernardo Diaz

    They need to stop lying about the numbers to avoid using the word recession while Biden is in office

  26. AKlover

    Powell is trying to cull the zombie corporations and bad banks while drying up the Euro dollar market. The Fed can actually do virtually nothing about "Cost Push Inflation".

  27. Mark

    You cannot stop what is due to happen. Being in debt and not being able to pay for it can only be delayed and masked with all these different economic terms, everything that should happen will happen eventually.

  28. Ted Fischer

    Tom likes to say obvious things and make it seem like he’s profound. If you’re bearish right now then you’ll be in trouble in 6 months when the market is higher

  29. Samsonight33

    We’ve been literally hearing recession for 18 months now. It’s fear porn. I know folks calling for a collapse dating back to 2017 lol.

  30. RJ GPG

    I work in Banking.. rate movements by the Fed to control inflation are a lost cause. The largest inhibitor to inflation is credit. Banks right now haven't just slowed down, most have at least pumped the brakes and some stopped new originations completely. Take away money multiplier and growth, take away nominal GDP.

  31. Secretly a Celebrity


    for Total its 35 euros a barrel

  32. The Patriot

    This is everyone fault. Quit buying overpriced stuff and prices will go down the fed may have started this but we can end it but no keep buying overpriced homes cars and other stuff

  33. Dan Roskamp

    Why do we do this it's not working? I never voted to have a FED it doesn't seem to work for me as an individual.
    It feels like insanity trust an old white man who is from a different generation who was lucky enough to come from privilege. I am not even that young but we need to get these older people out of power because we have real issues that adults who were born at a time when housing was affordable and middle class jobs were everywhere don't understand the real struggle

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