How To Handle An Angry Spouse | Anger Part 2 | Paul Friedman

by | Dec 22, 2022 | Spousal IRA | 26 comments

Is your husband or wife always angry at you? Do you also get angry at your spouse?

Paul Friedman discusses how to deal with an angry spouse and how to deal with your own anger. Learn how to manage anger in your marriage before it’s too late.

Make sure to watch part 1, which describes what causes anger so you can be much more effective in dealing with it. Watch it here:

In this video, Paul describes 4 techniques for stopping anger. He explains that the 4th one, the SEW technique, is the most powerful one. However, the short explanation given here is not enough to get the full benefits from it.

You can get so good with the SEW technique that you will train your mind to never get angry again. You no longer need to manage anger, because you’ll have disabled all of your triggers.

In order to achieve these advanced results, you need to learn the anatomy of a fight and other precursor information given in our course. You can get a free trial, which includes all of the Anatomy of a Fight and the SEW technique at this link below:

#marriageproblems #angermanagement #angermngt
#angrywoman #angrypeople #anger #maritalproblems…(read more)




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See also  Anger And Resentment In Marriage | Anger Part 1 | Paul Friedman
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  1. The Marriage Foundation

    Sincere and determined people need truthful information and a good plan to escape the cycle and hole you are in. Incredible marriages ARE possible. They are achieved by:
    1. Learning about the mind and mastering it so your changes are permanent and you are always growing.
    2. Learning how to behave, and not behave in marriage friendly ways
    3. Making unconditional love and ever-expanding happiness your primary and constant missions.
    Go to and get the course if you need it. Now is not the time to experiment. It is the time for positive action.

  2. Pink Chaos

    Thank you. My man was stressed out from work and took his anger out on me (not physically) because of it, and I was being difficult, after watching this video, I went in, apologized, and said I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you, and left him alone for the night.

  3. Mark

    My wife gets uncontrollably angry at me and gets very personal. I'm normally a calm person but she is clever at pushing my buttons. Your video is very informative and opened my eyes. It's going to be difficult but l'll give it a go. Thank you.

  4. ReeseCapeesh

    The best video yet!! I can’t believe there aren’t more likes and subscribers

  5. J R

    This is a crazy video that explains a lot . I’ve been trying to identify the why or how , I’ve noticed the fear… oh wow this was the video I needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. MPA

    What if their anger is a way to get you to feel the hurt and anger they're feeling? ie it is intentional. They're angry and they want to hurt you for making them feel that way so that they're not the only one feeling the pain themselves…?

  7. a A

    I decided to not take husband s ranting personal and show compassion and in response he blocked me.
    I think he got used to me fighting back, attacking him and generally responding in anger. When I applied SEW technique and responded with compassion he just blocked me. He wanted to fight and rant but I watered that down with compassionate response. I feel so much peace because always after we fight and I become defensive I end up so drained and feeling worse. Now I feel great.

  8. OnlineSuperCoach

    Great tips! What if you stay calm/compassionate but your wife keeps getting angrier and triggering you for hours/hours. I only have so much patience…

  9. bleh

    A video about “my spouse is afraid of me”

  10. bleh

    Can you make a video about a parent who overprotects a Child that had already like 30 years and is interrupting the normality of the marriage ?

  11. Gena Soriano

    I love your message wow! I could relate myself with it specially dealing with my husband. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  12. dbl bhatt

    Thanks ❤

  13. Live For Christ

    You have to pray for their salvation and spiritual maturity every day. Don't give up, God can surely change anyone. One day I layed my hand on my spouse's shoulder and said to him, "Be born again in the name of Jesus." And he has been changed by God's grace ever since. He is so much more positive now, so much less angry. Do try this for your spouse , it should help save your marriage.

  14. Justly Act

    I really have a problem. My wife gets angry at me because I almost never get angry. I’m usually relaxed and trained to not get annoyed by anything and that annoys my wife.

  15. Its Jbunny

    thank you for tips on how to manage my anger. im going to try and implement a few of these pieces of advise. thank you.

  16. Allison Hellesvig

    Thank you for your clear calm approach. This is helping me better understand my husband and not spiral out with hurt from his actions.

  17. Ziirup

    Thank you bald old man! That was soul refreshing.

  18. falcosk8

    May work! I’ll give it a try!

  19. hermusicsoundsgood

    Well I failed miserably with not taking it personal today. I tried all week to be understanding but I'm only human. I tried and well I reacted back and then all the yelling and cursing started and now a door is tore up and he walked out . I asked all week what's wrong. 23yr relationship gone to shit because he feels like a failure . Every time he goes around family members that make him feel inadequate he pretends in front of them then gets back home and gets depressed and moody then holds it in and then picks an argument. I am trying all I can but it's ridiculous now

  20. scrappy3471

    My husband is triggered every week and takes it out on me. Its become to much and I've lost compassion for him I'm afraid

  21. Vandana Purohit

    Thank you Paul, Ill look up your book. I like how you explained about dealing w spouse anger. I know this to be true and I want to remember it. I think visualizing can help..But i know meditating daily is essential..otherwise it’s easy to hear the words w the ears, as an attack, as oppose to hearing their words w my heart, as a crying,. I feel meditation daily can. help bring out that understanding and compassion that is out true nature.

  22. witzerdog

    But, when it is over and over again and you do all these things… when do you just say, "Grow the fuck up."

  23. Jesse S

    Although difficult to do these 3 points are so effective in disarming an angry spouse.

  24. R2

    Knew these things but making more sense in life now

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