Indicators that Your Marriage may be Irreparable and Not Worth Fighting For | Urgent Signs it’s Time to Move On!

by | Oct 7, 2023 | Spousal IRA | 44 comments

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What are the true signs that your marriage is over? What are the signs that your marriage is not worth fighting for? Welcome to HAPPILY COMMITTED

My name is Coach Adrian and I’ve dedicated my life helping people find happiness in their relationships. For a long time I helped people recover after break-up, separation, and divorces and now I’m focusing more on helping people create the relationship they want and to truly thrive in their relationship in order to avoid a breakup or a separation because I know how devastating it can be for both parties. And unfortunately sometimes a marriage is coming to an end. And I wanted to discuss the true signs that this is the end so that you know where you stand and you’re not fighting in vain for a relationship that is quite frankly not worth fighting for.

The first sign that your marriage is over is when your partner is unable to stop putting their needs at your expense, even after you’ve communicated and try to rebuild a healthier marriage and connection in the relationship, if their happiness constantly comes at your expense and you are feeling worse, you’re feeling overwhelmed, and quite frankly only one person is existing in that relationship, the marriage is coming to an end. Ultimately a relationship or marriage will be unbalanced if only one person is happy and that happiness comes and the others person’s expense. So if you can relate to this it is probably a clear true sign that your marriage is over.

The second sign that a marriage is over is when you can’t seem to find a way to get out of the blame mode or the blame game and it’s quite common for people to argue to fight to bicker and to criticize in any relationship because we have a tendency of getting frustrated and it’s a lot easier to blame someone else than to take accountability for our actions. But when after years and years, weeks after week, day after day, you are criticizing and blaming the other person’s for your happiness and you are re-litigating past fights and living in the past it is a sign that your marriage is over.

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The third sign that I’ve seen that indicated to me as a coach that my clients marriage was over is when one or the other party cannot seem to find any goodness in the other. And it’s sad but I’ve seen this. I see this quite a lot towards the end of relationships or marriages where people are so consumed by their resentment their anger and they start to despise their significant other and they cannot even see one quality trait or attribute. And that unfortunately is very sad because clearly even though you may not be at a point where you can connect with each other, your partner has good qualities. They must. Because you fell for in love with them and because all human beings have a tendency to have good qualities. Unless of course you’re in a toxic relationship or you’re married to a sociopath. So if you cannot see any good in the man or the woman that you’re with that is a clear sign that your marriage is over.

Another sign that your marriage is over is when your partner seeks to cut you off from your friends and your family, from the things that you love to do. And that extreme controlling behavior is a sign of toxicity and it’s a sign that you need to make sure that you are aware of what’s going on and that you’re able to establish clear boundaries otherwise you’re gonna find yourself in a downward spiral very quickly.

Ultimately if you or your partner are unwilling to change, if you or your partner think that the other person is the only issue, it’s a sign that your marriage is over because a relationship or a marriage is like a garden that needs to be constantly and continuously nurtured and attended to. And when one person gives up the garden will grow weeds and unfortunately it is impossible to be in a relationship where both parties are not actively seeking to make it work. And we don’t take divorce lightly. We are HAPPILY COMMITTED we want to make sure that no stone is left unturned, that everything is done before pulling the trigger because divorce is seldom not the right option for many people. We are HAPPILY COMMITTED and we want to make sure that everything is done in order to help you make sound decisions and to maximize your chances of being in a fulfilling healthy relationship with your spouse….(read more)

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Signs Your Marriage Is Over And Not Worth Fighting For | Signs You Need To Get Out NOW!

Marriage is meant to be a lifelong commitment filled with love, trust, and growth. But sometimes, despite our best efforts, relationships simply don’t work out. Recognizing that your marriage is over and not worth fighting for can be a painful realization, but it is crucial for your own happiness and well-being. Here, we discuss some signs that indicate it may be time to let go and move on.

1. Lack of Communication: Communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. When open and honest conversations are replaced with constant arguments, misunderstandings, or even complete silence, it becomes clear that a disconnect has occurred. If you find yourselves unable to communicate effectively, it may be an indication that the emotional connection has deteriorated irreparably.

2. Consistent Disrespect: Respect is a fundamental aspect of any healthy relationship. Constant criticism, belittling, or disregard for one another’s feelings is a red flag that the marriage is no longer built on a foundation of mutual respect. If respect is absent, both partners may find it difficult to feel valued or loved within the relationship.

3. Frequent Betrayals of Trust: Trust is the backbone of a strong, lasting marriage. When trust is repeatedly broken through infidelity, lies, or deceit, it becomes challenging to rebuild and maintain a healthy relationship. If trust is continuously compromised, it may be a sign that the marital bond is irreparably damaged.

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4. Emotional and Physical Neglect: Emotional and physical intimacy are essential components of a thriving marriage. If either or both partners consistently feel emotionally neglected or rejected, it can create a sense of loneliness and isolation. Similarly, a lack of physical affection and intimacy can lead to deep dissatisfaction and resentment.

5. Unresolved Conflicts: Every marriage has its fair share of disagreements. However, if conflicts become a constant presence without any resolution in sight, it may be a sign that the issues at hand are deeply ingrained and cannot be resolved. Continuous strife and conflict can make happiness and growth impossible, leaving both partners feeling stuck and unfulfilled.

6. Emotional Detachment: When couples gradually lose the emotional connection they once shared, it becomes challenging to rebuild it. If you find yourselves drifting apart emotionally, feeling like roommates rather than life partners, it may be an indication that the passion and love in your marriage have dissipated.

7. Lack of Growth or Development: Personal growth and development are integral parts of any individual’s life. When both partners fail to grow together or support each other’s aspirations, it can create a stagnant and unfulfilling environment. If you feel like you are not evolving as individuals or as a couple, it may be an indicator that your marriage no longer serves either of you.

Recognizing these signs can be a painful realization, but it is an essential step towards your own personal growth and happiness. If you identify with multiple signs, it may be time to consider making the difficult decision to end the marriage. Seeking professional help, such as marriage counseling, can provide guidance and support during this challenging process.

Remember that ending a marriage does not equate to failure. It takes courage and strength to acknowledge when a relationship is no longer serving its purpose. Sometimes, letting go is the best thing you can do for yourself and your partner, as it opens the door to new beginnings and allows for the possibility of finding a more fulfilling and happier life.

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  1. AAO

    I appreciate you phrasing this video in a way that goes both ways. “If you or your partner…” I felt every one of these points applies to my partner but it is crucial for me to look into myself.

  2. Seven Stars

    it's over when I can't stand you no more ?

  3. Inspectah

    Social media is the number one reason for divorce nowadays. I’ve been in 20 divorce hearings and IG, Facebook, or tik tok was mentioned in every last one. I won’t even date a girl that uses social media if she isn’t running a business

  4. Badgerden

    The best way is not to get into a marriage in the first place. If there is no marriage, there can't be a divorce.

  5. V K

    Agree with all of the signs mentioned by this gentleman in this video. People should seriously go through marriage counseling before they get married. We should have serious courses in marriage. What is marriage? What is the purpose of marriage? What is the role of husband and wife in a marriage? What to expect from marriage? We go through years of college learning how to earn a living but not a single course on how to lead our life.

  6. Terresa Marthy

    Cheating in a relationship is an unforgivable betrayal of trust that can not be remedied, at least for me.

    There is no excuse for it and, again for me, marks your character as a person as flawed beyond redemption, in the regards to a relationship; thanks to almod genius for saving me from that bloody cheater..

  7. barbara vivian

    Nothing more lonely than being in the wrong relationship, you can't believe what i found out from my ex Husband's phone because of his recent inconsistency at home, i reached out to Almods through a friend at work and he gained me access into my man's phone social media activities, he was shocked by the evidence i got from his phone when i confronted him, but i'm grateful to the genius for saving me from such deceit and liar..

  8. Shantera M.eugene

    Listening to your message it hit all the right nails on the head have being married for 13years everything I do it's never good enough for him he did me lots of wrong and I still stick with him but I stop out and made one mistake but am the one to get beat with it i feel like am suffering in my marriage this hurts real bad I just want to give it all up and walk awys from it all.

  9. Dawn Lewis

    Been in a relationship on & off (90% on) with my spouse for 27yrs now, this month makes 22yrs of marriage and it makes me so sad to say we meet each topic you discussed. Can't be more clearer then that.

  10. LaTasha Bouldin


  11. mirola73

    Boy how many of these numbers can I tick seeing now.
    No second divorce for me as I'm simply not getting married anymore, one time 22 years is enough.
    No one taking my stuff I've worked hard for anymore.

  12. StrongBodyandMind

    How do you prevent a 2nd or 3rd divorce? Don’t get married after the 1st

  13. butet kepong

    In our culture husband provide 100 %for his wife need

  14. The last Samurai

    Me please i have two kids and kinda broke at the moment, my wife hasn’t slept me in months…she is bullying me finically coz she makes more money than me, I have provided her with everything when she was going to school for four years…

  15. Chelsea Scott

    If we live together common law, how do I get money out of him? I'd love to get out of this nightmare but I'm disabled and only work part time. I don't even make enough to pay to rent a bedroom. I've looked at low income housing but I'm not eligible as a single person.

  16. Nathan Mciver

    The issue and I'm sure not for myself only, is how people syntheticaly get thier hands on other people and teach them of financial success and what they deem normal social standards yet it all breaks down and we are left following the same abuse! We leave and it's like being back with the same patterns of abuse! Might not even be the spouse as we where drawn into a fake culture from the start and leave to another fake culture to escape! Keeping simple means tracking sanity and making sure we all get quality! Who's to say when I tell you to leave unless your trying to destroy what's healthy and decent!

  17. Tee Miller

    Ty this was helpful

  18. J. Bellington

    Married to a partner that describes all the touch points you have illustrated! Crosses all boundaries and lies consistently. Highly educated and debonair. I am empowered to live quality of live I deserve!

  19. Jenn P.

    What are you’re credentials? It’s amazing how people are taking advice from anyone. Do you have a PH D in relationships? What makes you an expert?

  20. Bx2Tx7

    I did this to myself..In denial..Time will heal hopefully..Never again

  21. Florance Silver

    My dear even the bible talks about divorce I have been in marriage for 9 years my husband started sleeping with different women when am pregnant for my first baby he never stopped he slept with over 15 women behide my back I could get lonely messages of women I was there in time of problems I got him with nothing and build him but I thank God I came out of such painful marriage biz all the time he could put the blem on me

  22. Esteban1530blg

    If you farted. Your marriage is over.

  23. Slick Driven

    I am the reason for everything that goes wrong, like hell i caused Covid. I am just so done of being bullied and being brought down. But again i have seen the type of craziness i dont want my daughter to be taken away from me, because i come from a country where there is no custody battle its automatically mom gets custody. So i will just stick it out longer for my baby.

  24. Sed

    My marriage been over. It's 2nd time he move out the bedroomi nweded that s message. He always saying hes in pain. I fell on my body and landed on my butt. And shoulders. My head flew back. Now im dealing wirh all that s pain. Its been over 2 years. And he has no compassion at all. He told ke that my pain has pushed him away

  25. Atlas

    Ehhh, you are your own happiness for 1.
    For 2, your not suppose to change for anyone. You are you for you. They are suppose to love you for you. Never change who you are, not even for a female…the fuck is that. That sounds like being pussy whipped lol
    Last but not least….just don't get married? Grandparents were together for 60 years without having to say that nasty word "marriage." That's just entitlement and a way to say you own someone legally. Marriage isn't the answer either. Some of these hit and some didn't….ehhh

  26. Mrs 777

    Best advice? Do NOT get married. There-! my husband is an alcoholic, mentally abusive jerk. Here because of my faith and my kids. I believe in you reap what you sow so I know I just have to keep hoping.

  27. Winnie Okello

    Once I walk out of this one am never settling
    Iam not happy

  28. Lootus Maximus

    Divorce is seldom the right answer…. Just sayin.

  29. thebiharivoice

    Most of the women who divorce their husbands do so for selfish reasons that fall along the lines of 'I was not feeling happy' while all the time the marriage would be completely fixable. In avaiation industry its called controleld flight into terrain (i.e. there is nothing wrong with the aircraft, but one of the co-pilot decided to crash it anyways).
    Such poeple need to understand that the idea of happiness that they were sold with marriage is not true. Marriage is a duty, a responsibility. happiness comes from shouldering those responsibilities.

    You know what a man does when he is not happy? he bears with it. Men are made by god to plough through bad times. WOmen run from such times. On an evolutionary scale, women have always seeked comfort, while men have seeked challenge. This is the true reason for high divorce rate initiated by women.

  30. Let'sTalkAboutIt Much

    You know I was initially sad that i wasted 9 months. But looking at the comments some ppl have been in this hell 20+yrs!!!!! Unbelievable!

  31. Leonel Abang

    Women are selfish period

  32. Lena

    What to do if your husband has a gaming addiction? I barely see him most days if i dont beg for attention. He quit his job 2 months after we married and has not stopped gaming. Its only been just over a year since we tied the knot. I feel like ive tried everything to help. We have never had an argument in 8 years? Because when i try to talk to him he says all the right things. But with no action. There is no intimacy. Im in so much pain.

  33. brutus felix

    I got all the signs and more- i don't care anymore, i just want to finish and liberate myself . The hard part for me is taking the first step , find a way to speak honestly and it is seriously empoisoning my life

  34. William Immer

    This video seems like it is seldom not the right option.

  35. judith O

    I don't see why people make a big issue when you going to divorce sometimes you get married. Sometimes you get married by pressure or because

  36. Manoj

    I am just worried about my son

  37. Shawn McKenzie

    These points helped me very much.
    Well presented.

  38. Csilla Devic

    What if a partner wants to change but just can’t?

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