Irish Prime Minister states that Ireland is not anticipating a recession

by | May 15, 2023 | Recession News | 23 comments

Leo Varadkar, Taoiseach of Ireland, discusses the post-Brexit Northern Ireland protocol, and his economic outlook for the country in 2023….(read more)

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Irish Prime Minister said recently that the country is not expected to face a recession in the near future, despite the uncertainties caused by the UK’s looming exit from the EU.

According to Taoiseach Enda Kenny, the Irish economy is still growing at a steady pace and is expected to continue to do so for the foreseeable future. He cited job creation and low unemployment rates as indicators of a strong economy.

Mr. Kenny pointed out that while Brexit will no doubt bring a degree of uncertainty, the Irish government is working hard to ensure that the country is well positioned to deal with any potential challenges that may arise as a result of the UK’s departure from the EU. He acknowledged that Brexit poses a variety of risks for the Irish economy, but expressed confidence in the ability of the Irish people to tackle them.

The Prime Minister’s remarks come after a report by the UK Treasury warned that Brexit could lead to a recession in the UK and cause economic turmoil across Europe. However, many analysts are hopeful that Ireland will be able to weather the storm, given its strong economic fundamentals and its historic ties to the EU.

One of the key factors driving Ireland’s economic success in recent years has been its focus on attracting foreign investment. The country has been successful in attracting a number of tech and pharmaceutical companies to set up shop in Ireland, creating thousands of jobs in the process.

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In addition, Ireland’s skilled workforce, low corporate tax rates, and business-friendly environment have made it an attractive destination for foreign investors. The government is also working hard to foster innovation and entrepreneurship, hoping to create a new generation of home-grown businesses that can drive the economy forward.

Despite the challenges posed by Brexit, Irish leaders remain confident about the country’s prospects. The government is working to ensure that the country remains an attractive destination for both domestic and foreign investors, and is investing in infrastructure and education to help fuel future growth.

While there are certainly risks and uncertainties ahead for Ireland, there is reason to believe that the country will be able to navigate these challenges successfully. With a strong economy and a resilient populace, Ireland will likely continue to thrive in the years to come.

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  1. Jim 54

    Came here to see all the moaners in the comments. Ireland absolutely has issues, as does any nation, but to listen to some of my fellow countrymen in the comments, you would swear people were having to emigrate so they wouldn’t starve.

  2. KickAss

    This man doesn't care about the Irish, just looking good in the eu. Him & his government have destroyed Ireland.

  3. Gareth

    Ireland is one big dreary business park now. Exploiting labour and tech workers from abroad.

  4. The Ravens Watchful Eyes

    He's a horrible little backwards mechanical Digger is all. Not one of our own. Bent and crooked and it got into a place of power and the countries worse and worse. He's an outsider is all. Supports trans sub humans and all. Yeah…. We all get ours in the end I hope that elitist maggot knows that…

  5. Dazza

    Don’t listen to him.The country has borrowed billions of euros since Co Vid and the war effort.The national debt was 234 billion euros in aug 2020.Its now 262 billion euros.The government are borrowing money to pay for everything.Ireland is a poor country.

  6. Sean Conroy

    He's allowing our beautiful country to be invaded by the third world. We have a small population and its destroying us.

  7. Irish Jamaica Bushcraft

    He is a Barbary pirate and is not welcome in Ireland ,,a lacky for the UK Mumbai brothers whom enslave Christians in their textile factories on heroin and ten dollar a day wages…He is disgrace and an embarrassment who takes drugs himself and admitted as such so has no problems allowing such despot' into Ireland..once we are rid of him there shall be new espionage laws as seen currently with SIPO Standards Public Office being given new powers..

  8. John Kelliher

    Sinn Fein bots active LOL

  9. Scott Black

    The Irish hate him

  10. Sèamus Gilmour

    This fella hasn’t clue what he’s speaking about again half country is closing down

  11. g F

    Can’t believe what I’m seeing here naughty Leo

  12. Exitthematrix

    He really thinks he's the shit

  13. BEIR BUA

    Lipso- just look at the twisted mouth on this lying depraved sybarite

  14. Colin C

    The Irish dictator

  15. Ros Comeon

    Leo Varadkar an outstanding Taoiseach, leader and statesman. His commitment to Irelands continous prosperity and development is improving everyone's standard of living. Growth of 11% last year. Phenomenal. And then you have the naysayers, failures and bigots spewing poisonous garbage at him. Proud of our Taoiseach. May he serve for many years to come. Marxist Sinn Fein PIRA and the anarchist leftists are doing their dammdest to destroy our country. Just like they did in Northern Ireland with murder, mayhem, bombings, abductions and torture. No Army Council wanted here. No thanks.

  16. lathac 2020

    he is one major problem for this country he not even Irish cardboard Irish. sold out by FF and FG. should be done for treason the lot for givin houses and cars to people who walk in after 6months like 30yrs ago. while own were homeless. I lived it so facts

  17. peter oreilly

    "No Recession" Just inflation crisis / Refugee, Asylum seeker crisis / Housing Crisis / Hospital Crisis / Energy crisis . All good here Davos. The last time Leo Varadkra was there, he pledged to the WEF to house an additional 1 million refugees in high rise apartments in Ireland, what he didn't tell, was the human cost to the Irish people. Homeless Irish are dying on the street, unable to access the same facilities as refugees, he is housing refugees in Schools, office buildings, gym's, because he hasn't got the housing units. His GOVERNMENT are breaking EU and International Law by Human Trafficking un-documented men via NGO's from England and France into Ireland. His election pledge to the Irish people doesn't matter what matters is impressing these WEF Globalists in Davos. But the Irish people will remember him and his ilk.

  18. Trout  Meplica

    Lies, lies, lies, lies, lies, lies……that excuse for an Irish man is a WEF soy boy.!!
    He is, at this very moment swamping our country with illegal migrants who wreaking havoc in our communities,.
    Murdering & raping, assaults & Intimidation on our women walking the streets.!!
    He is a scumbag.

  19. c02615223

    Leo has his flaws like we all do. Polls have been indicating slight more positivity in recent weeks. He has 2 years to solve housing/rents. Needs to pull out all the stops to achieve this. It’s hard to see what he can do though

  20. Chris

    Why the fuck is he there??

  21. Lou Smith

    Declaration of war ! US-NATO- West Unlimited war support for Ukrainian to win !!! Till Russia is defeated and US-NATO- West will do and provide everything for ukraines to win and bring Russia to their knees !!

    This open Declaration of war by US-NATO- West, We all are wondering, now if Putin's, Russian people and Military is shaking in their shoes. ? what next ? WW3 ?

    Chinese are silent like a big mouse – scared ?

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