Is Adultery a Reason for Imprisonment in the Philippines? – Pea’s Mailbag Friday Covering Going to Jail

by | Jun 12, 2023 | Qualified Retirement Plan | 21 comments

#adulteryinthephilippines #prisonsinthephilippines @TheFilipinaPea
Going to prison in the Philippines – for adultery? Yes, it can happen, since we have very strict laws regarding infidelity! But this is only one of the situations we’ll be discussing today, because it’s mailbag Friday! I’ll be answering questions from viewers about how to handle family pressure on your Filipina partner, how to deal with a best friend’s cheating fiance, and how to avoid going to prison in the Philippines! So let’s see what messes you foreigners have gotten yourselves into this time?

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Going to Prison in the Philippines for Adultery?

In the Philippines, adultery is considered a criminal offense under the Revised Penal Code. If found guilty, both the adulterer and the third party involved can be sentenced to prison.

Adultery is defined as a married person having sexual intercourse with someone who is not their spouse. The act is considered illegal due to the country’s strong Christian values and the constitutional protection of the sanctity of marriage.

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The penalties for adultery can range from six months to six years imprisonment, depending on the gravity of the offense and the number of times it has been committed. While this may seem harsh to some, it is important to understand the cultural context and religious beliefs of the Philippines.

However, it is worth noting that there have been calls to decriminalize adultery in the country, with some advocates arguing that the law is outdated and infringes on personal liberties. In fact, there have been cases where the law has been challenged in court, with mixed results.

Despite the legal consequences, adultery remains a prevalent issue in the Philippines, with infidelity being cited as a common cause of broken marriages and family conflicts. The topic has even been portrayed in popular media, with films and television shows often depicting extramarital affairs and their aftermath.

While the law may serve as a deterrent for some, it is clear that the issue of adultery in the Philippines goes beyond legal consequences. Addressing the root causes of infidelity, such as communication issues and emotional dissatisfaction, may be a more effective approach in promoting healthier relationships and reducing the number of cases of adultery in the country.

In conclusion, going to prison in the Philippines for adultery is a possibility, and it is up to individuals to consider the potential consequences of their actions. However, it is also important to address the societal factors that contribute to adultery in order to create a healthier and more harmonious society.

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  1. Curtis Albrecht

    I married my "wife" on November 23rd, 2010. Little did I know that she was having an affair, while I was finishing up a contract in Iraq. I found out about it on January 1st, 2011. Well, as an IT Systems Administrator, I am trained to keep records of EVERYTHING, and then to make BACKUPS of those records. Stupid me, I forgave her, and we moved to America in December 2011. In June 2018, we sold EVERYTHING, and moved back to the Philippines. Well, back in June 2019, my "wife" abandoned me, and our son, and moved back to Colorado, to have another affair. So, we both said our peace, and agreed to a permanent separation, until a divorce could be completed. Wouldn't you know it??? Only AFTER being forced to pay Child Support by Colorado Family Services, she flies back to the Philippines, and files a Case of Emotional Violence Against Women and Children, and Economic Abuse (RA9262). Suddenly, I'm facing 20 years in prison, loss of my life savings, and possibly never seeing my son ever again. Fortunately, after P200,000, and the best Attorney in the Philippines, I have one of the finest Responses ever written. On May 11th, 2023, I received a "Letter of Dismissal" from the Prosecutor. Even my Attorney is surprised. Outright Dismissal's are VERY rare. Insanely accurate record keeping, the best Attorney in the Philippines, and the Clean Hands Doctrine saved me. Gentlemen!!! NEVER get married. And NEVER mess with a married woman, not even your "wife". That "contract" can, and likely WILL lead to you spending time in prison. NO WOMAN is worth going to prison for. Lastly, in case you're wondering. My son is 9yo now, and refuses to talk to his mother. It's REALLY sad. She lost her marriage. She lost her home. She lost her husband. And, she lost her son. Ladies??? This is what Feminism gets you. This is what "Strong & Independent" looks like.

  2. Absit Reverentia Vero

    For the second guy, I'd hire a private investigator and try to find out if the ex husband is also dating another girl, then keep the evidences as exchange.

  3. Joe Studdley

    Pea, Could a guy extort you and then still have you thrown in jail? Or do the courts recognize you paid dude off so you should be straight?

  4. Troy

    I love your channel! Great pointers.

  5. joeE

    who uses their real name ? LOL !

  6. TGA

    Pea, how do you know for certain that a woman in the Philippines is NOT married? How can you find out for sure that she is not lying to you?

  7. Randy Owen

    How do I find your email address Miss Pea?

  8. Timothy Cartet

    I keep telling men they will go to jail, but they don't listen, proof?, is that you're doing this story still.

  9. Jim Gray

    P.S. If youre interested, I sang
    Happy Birthday in
    Tagolic to all those Filipinas out there.

  10. Jim Gray

    "A real asteroid in uranus." lol I like that.

  11. Carl Cutts

    Prison not big enough.

  12. Wayne Davenport

    Hi Pea, my hunny got her Visa in hand, coming September!

  13. arnold van der Hoeven

    Top again ! I’m allways interested in your sharp observations, and this was a prime example , go on with this , greetings from a chilly Holland, I have the intention to meet my online gf in December

  14. Humphrey Neil

    The richest, lonliest guy has no outgoings… everyone else has family to rely upon?

  15. Rabid Farmer

    Only in the Philippines where they have morality police. LOL.

  16. John Fritz

    I say go back to Ireland and stay there.

  17. Edward Griffin

    What’s happening with the Resolution to accept divorce in the Philippines that was approved by the House of Representatives in March/April 2023?

  18. Jeff Vanderveen

    I couldn't face the fact that I'd even consider being asked for money , by a friend , girlfriend, wife , family member, etc . That's what banks are for .

  19. Smallnuts

    Ive sent money to the girl im seeing. She told me I shoukdnt and should save so I can hurry and fly out and see her.
    So I think it all depends on the girl you choose. Then again its onky been 6 months. Will see what she is like in another year.
    I understand the family may ask for money. I think it depends. If they need food etc but buy them a new house? Lol

  20. Bismarck 1871

    Hi Filipina Pea, last week I got a video of your channel proposed to me by Youtube, I watched it and then many more. I have been married to a Thai woman for 28 years and have been to Thailand over 100 times. My wife is well provided and gives me for that freedoms, which I take advantage of. At the end of March this year I was the first time professionally in the Philippines, but I also had some free time. Via Manila I went to Candelaria, then to Subic Bay and afterwards to Angeles City. In total, I had closer acquaintance with 5 Filipino women and I must say that I am absolutely thrilled compared to the Thai women. I looked in the mirror to see if I was really 57 years old already when they left. What I experienced was always girlfriend sex at its best. I didn't think I would get to experience that again. I could not classify it until I saw your videos. Now many things become clearer to me, on the Philippines a lot is different. That makes addictive. I have now shot another business trip so I will be in the Philippines again for 5 days at the end of May. I hope to see the 10+ again in Manila. It will be difficult, I have no contact details. For your great work and thus understanding the women with you I will send you a small donation right away via PayPal and will also subscribe to the channel. Best regards from Germany. Michael PS: Actually I wanted to retire in Thailand, just learn the language. Hope this was not in vain…. 😉

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