Is higher inflation cause for concern?

by | Oct 8, 2022 | Invest During Inflation | 22 comments

Inflation rates have been rising all over the world, surprising many economists. While the rich world is paying higher prices for durable goods such as cars, in emerging markets soaring food prices are a greater worry. What is causing this unexpected bout of inflation, and will it last?

00:00 – What’s happening with inflation?
00:53 – What is inflation?
01:42 – Inflation rates are rising
02:47 – How much is too much inflation?
03:13 – Inflation in the rich world
05:19 – Inflation in emerging markets
06:04 – How to curb inflation
07:27 – Why you shouldn’t worry

Find The Economist’s briefing on inflation:

Read about the world economy’s shortage problem:

How inflation is affecting emerging markets:

Is the world economy going back to the 1970s?

The role used-car sales are having on US inflation:

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LEARN ABOUT: Investing During Inflation

REVEALED: Best Investment During Inflation



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  1. The Economist

    The Economist prides itself on producing compelling video journalism. But we’re always looking for new ways to improve. Take our audience survey to tell us how:

  2. James Ruscheinski

    weaker currency inflation lowers purchasing power for both domestic and import goods, hurting consumers as well as exporters; stronger currency needed through positive real interest rates and other measured to overcome

  3. Ravinder Talwar

    I love Beautiful India and all Indians of Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic and Republic of India.

  4. Ezekiel O

    This was 10 months ago… Sit tight everyone..

  5. pdxeddie1111

    poorer central banks aren't as credible? you mean powerful right?

  6. Mia Whitlock

    What if instead of talking about 9.1% inflation, the media acknowledged the true rate of inflation of about 18%? American workers are experiencing unprecedented declines in their real incomes, which is why record numbers have been forced to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. I wish I had more time for trial and error, but I'll be 56 in October and I need ideas and advice on what investments to make to set myself up for retirement, especially with the looming inflation and recession; my goal is to have a portfolio of at least $500k at the age of 60.

  7. K Kundera

    The Economist has been losing credibility every year. Very disappointing.

  8. Bryan Edward Tan

    Short answer inflation is here not just the West now it is all over the world everyone is hurting from it. Others have been hit sooo severely like in Sri Lanka government has collapsed others like in Iraq and others are under threat and with what appears to be long war between Ukraine and Russia which affects resources in particular wheat and oil and energy this is going to be affecting everyone in the world for the next possible years.

  9. Trade Kings

    Collapse is generous

    1st time in our history with a full generation that wasn't taught financial literacy, civics, Google fixes their problems if their parents don't do it for them.

    Reckoning for participation trophies is incoming

  10. David Porter

    Wow this guy does not know what he’s talking about.

  11. mark harris

    I seen it coming when congress went on a spending spree.

  12. GT জিটি

    Everythiing happen in this earth only for business

  13. Lia Watson

    Inflation is always a cause for concern

  14. Matthew Eraci

    Ron Paul has been saying this since 05? University of Chicago?

  15. bluewater454

    This is why we don’t trust the “experts”.

  16. Tom Freeman

    Despite the economic crisis, I'm so happy I've been earning $60,000 returns from my $10,000 investment every 21days.

  17. eliecerc

    I loved this video, it gives me great satisfaction and I hope you continue with this content.

  18. Chris

    “Almost no one saw it coming,” LOL

  19. Alex Eisenhut

    Is that James Cameron and Paul McCartney's son?

  20. Samanthwalter Archie

    The stock market is still a fantastic tool for building wealth, however, so it's wise to consider investing even if you don't have much money to spare

  21. Filip Kamiński

    Volume difference between voice over and on screen reporter is prpbably about 40% The Economist… how could you F this up so bad??

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