Rejecting Pessimism: Joel Osteen’s Approach

by | Jul 18, 2023 | Inflation Hedge | 35 comments

Don’t let the negative words of others keep you from your destiny. God is about to take you to a new level of His favor.

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Joel Osteen is a renowned preacher, motivational speaker, and author who has inspired millions of people around the world with his positive message and uplifting teachings. One of the key principles he often emphasizes is the importance of refusing negative seeds in our lives.

Negative seeds can be defined as the thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes that hold us back, bring us down, and hinder our growth and progress. They can manifest as self-doubt, fear, anxiety, resentment, or any other negative emotion that limits our potential. These seeds can be planted in our minds by various sources such as people around us, past experiences, or even our own inner critic.

Joel Osteen encourages us to be mindful of the negative seeds that are being sown and to actively reject them. He believes that our thoughts have tremendous power and can shape our reality. Thus, by refusing negative seeds, we can create a more positive and fulfilling life for ourselves.

One of the ways Joel Osteen suggests we can refuse negative seeds is by actively cultivating a positive mindset. Instead of dwelling on what is wrong or what we lack, we should focus on gratitude and appreciation for what we have. When we shift our perspective to one of abundance and positivity, we are better able to attract more positive experiences into our lives.

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Another technique that Joel Osteen teaches is the power of affirmations. By repeating positive affirmations daily, we help to reprogram our subconscious mind and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Affirmations such as “I am worthy of success,” “I am capable of achieving my goals,” or “I am deserving of love and happiness” can help us build our self-confidence and belief in ourselves.

In addition, Joel Osteen encourages us to surround ourselves with positive influences and to distance ourselves from negative people and environments. He often emphasizes the importance of choosing our company wisely and being mindful of the impact that others have on our thoughts and beliefs. By surrounding ourselves with positive and like-minded individuals, we can create an environment that supports our growth and success.

It is important to note that refusing negative seeds does not mean ignoring or denying the challenges and difficulties that come our way. Instead, it is about choosing how we respond to them. By staying positive and focused on solutions rather than dwelling on problems, we can overcome obstacles and turn them into opportunities for growth.

Joel Osteen’s teachings on refusing negative seeds have resonated with millions of people worldwide. His message of hope, positivity, and faith has helped countless individuals transform their lives and find happiness and success. By adopting these principles and actively refusing negative seeds, we too can experience a renewed sense of purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

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  1. Kari Bear

    I was born in 1999 it’s a sign!! 🙂

  2. Diane Puckree

    I am strong in Christ.Jesus is amazing

  3. Tahoe KEV

    Thank you brother I'm going through a lot

  4. Nkoli Blessing

    God bless you pastor Joel.

  5. Bessie Aunama

    Love to hear your messages. Pray for my outstanding issues which i am putting through my Departmental Head has been disputed. Help me to pray again if everthing will be alright. I am facing financial difficulties. Please Lord help me.

  6. Dinah Sakala

    Am glad a ran into this sermon today. I have had negative thoughts roaming around me this week. Am going to be a great Rabbit Farmer in Jesus name

  7. Saba Duga

    Thank you Lord



  9. cristalina dsouza

    Pastor Joel ur messages r full of inner healing n inspiring words through Holy Spirit grace in u pl keep my fly in ur prayers n plead for Jesus blood deliverance from all evil forces my household attacking with debts n quarrels

  10. Poonam Mehta

    God bless you all abundantly

  11. James Ryan

    I'm not a smart Christian and I don't know much but I have heard of Mr Joel

  12. Elizabeth Hurtado

    Sounds very Christian refusing the very people who you are supposed to be protecting.

  13. Evelyn Cabucos

    Truly our God is super natural thank you for the word of God you shared God bless you po Ptr Joel – from Phil

  14. Beatrice Weeks

    Awesome message from
    Rev.Joel Osteen!!!

  15. Catherine Alikoba

    Please my fellow lisen ers help me out financially, lake wood church in Texas In America please hear my cry out financially recover me amen

  16. Farzana Furniturewalla

    I am strong.i am healed. Jesus has made me whole. God s blessings and favour are on my life.Amen

  17. Leon Decoteau

    I thank you for your messages, I feel so blessed with every program.thankyou holy spirit.may you and your family be blessed always.

  18. Julie Westron

    1:46 words are like seeds if you dwell on them they take root.

    3:07 if you don't dwell on it. Those words will die still borne.


    10:42 what if on the negatives.

  19. FMC Sound

    “True victory is refusing the doubt”

  20. FMC Sound

    “Don’t get into agreement with negative things people speak over you!”

  21. Antony Maina-Changing the World

    Hi pastor Joel Osteen.please visit Kenya and minister this message of hope and faith in Christ. I will host you. Be blessed.

  22. Stacey Clark

    I'm 57. My kids are grown, I have 4 great grandchildren.
    I'm single, have been for years now.
    I'm grown weary tired lost.
    I talk to Jesus always , but I don't hear him talk to me!
    I ask for forgiveness of what ever I have done wrong! I love him so so much. I should be out living my best life now but I'm afraid. Could you please pray for me?

  23. Monica Guardado

    Please Lord give me your strength and courage to pass these days coming I have my husband facing a battle we both made please Lord give us your wisdom to face this your way Lord keep your spirit around us everyone in this case please Lord

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