“Tips from an Accountant on Maximizing Tax Savings”

by | Apr 30, 2023 | Qualified Retirement Plan | 2 comments

Looking forward to your annual income can be exciting, but the thought of the taxes that will be withheld can quickly dampen your mood. It can feel like you’re working for two companies, but only getting paid by one. However, there may be a way to reduce your tax bill that is within the bounds of the law. Before we delve into that, it’s important to clear up a common misunderstanding about tax payments. Staying within a certain tax bracket can prevent you from having to pay a higher percentage of your income in taxes, but it’s worth considering that as your income increases, your tax liability may increase as well.

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As the tax season approaches, many people start getting anxious about the amount of money they owe to the government. However, with a little bit of planning and preparation, it is possible to pay less tax and keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket. Here’s how:

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1. Contribute to Retirement Accounts
If you are employed, contributing to a 401(k) or IRA can reduce your taxable income. The money you put into these retirement accounts is tax-deductible, so the more you contribute, the less tax you will owe. Additionally, many employers offer matching contributions, which is an excellent opportunity to boost your retirement savings.

2. Take Advantage of Deductions and Credits
Tax deductions and credits are the two ways you can reduce your taxable income. Some common deductions include mortgage interest, charitable donations, medical expenses, and state and local taxes. Tax credits are even more beneficial as they directly reduce your tax bill. Examples of tax credits include the child tax credit, earned income tax credit, and education tax credits.

3. Consider Itemizing Your Deductions
If you have significant expenses in certain categories such as medical expenses, charitable donations, or business expenses, you may benefit from itemizing your deductions instead of taking the standard deduction. Itemizing requires more paperwork, but if you have enough deductions, it can significantly reduce your taxable income.

4. Invest in Real Estate
Real estate investors enjoy many tax benefits, including depreciation deductions and deductions for expenses such as repairs, mortgage interest, and property taxes. Additionally, if you hold the property for more than a year and then sell it, you might qualify for capital gains tax rates, which are usually lower than ordinary income tax rates.

5. Hire a Tax Professional
Navigating the complex tax code can be challenging, but hiring a qualified tax professional can help ensure you are taking advantage of all the deductions and credits available to you. An experienced accountant or tax professional can provide personalized tax planning, help you fill out your tax returns, and provide advice on tax-efficient investing strategies.

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In conclusion, paying less tax requires careful planning, documentation, and informed decision-making. While it may seem overwhelming, taking advantage of deductions and credits, contributing to retirement accounts, investing in real estate, and working with a tax professional can help you keep more of your hard-earned money. Consult with your accountant to find out what strategies work best for your situation.

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  2. Prince G. Watkins

    An HSA is a great option. The video did not specifically mention it but your HSA funds only grow IF it they are invested in the market.

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