Top 15 Countries Offering Easy Retirement in 2023

by | Jul 21, 2023 | Retirement Pension | 28 comments

Many factors are taken into consideration when choosing a country for retirement, like healthcare, climate, cost of living, infrastructure and so forth. But generally the most important & first thing of consideration is the retirement visa policy of the desired country. A retirement visa is a residence permit that allows one to spend his golden years abroad. To qualify for this type of visa, retiree is required to go through serval procedures & requirements set by the country’s government. Each year we do an update of top countries to retire in. This year, we have only mentioned countries with a straightforward Retirement or pensioners visa program. Furthermore, the ranking is set according to the right balance between cheap and quality to make sure all classes of people are satisfied.
So with that, here are 15 Easiest countries to Retire in 2023


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As retirement approaches, many individuals seek to find the best countries to retire in where they can comfortably enjoy their golden years. With various factors to consider, such as cost of living, healthcare, safety, and overall quality of life, here is a list of 15 best countries to retire easily in 2023.

1. Portugal: Known for its affordable living costs, excellent healthcare system, and beautiful coastline, Portugal has emerged as a preferred retirement destination. The country offers a relaxed lifestyle and various tax benefits for retirees.

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2. Costa Rica: Offering a tropical climate, stunning natural landscapes, and a lower cost of living, Costa Rica boasts a retiree-friendly environment with affordable healthcare and a stable political system.

3. Panama: With a growing expat community, Panama is drawing retirees due to its affordable healthcare, low taxes, and excellent infrastructure. Its warm climate and beautiful beaches are added perks.

4. Spain: Known for its rich culture and diverse landscapes, Spain offers a high-quality lifestyle at an affordable price. The country’s excellent healthcare system and favorable climate make it an attractive destination.

5. Mexico: Mexico provides a combination of stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and affordable living costs. With its proximity to the United States, many retirees find the country welcoming and familiar.

6. Ecuador: Offering a low cost of living and variety of climates, Ecuador is becoming increasingly popular among retirees. The country’s healthcare system is well-regarded, and expats can take advantage of benefits like discounts on public transportation.

7. Thailand: Known for its warm hospitality, Thailand attracts retirees with its affordable cost of living, bustling cities, and stunning landscapes. The country offers excellent healthcare options and a variety of visa options for long-term stays.

8. Malaysia: With excellent infrastructure, affordable living costs, and a diverse culture, Malaysia has become a popular choice for retirees. The country offers highly-rated healthcare facilities and a warm tropical climate.

9. Belize: Famous for its natural beauty, Belize offers a tranquil retirement experience. The country’s low population density, affordable cost of living, and English-speaking locals make it an appealing choice.

10. Italy: Renowned for its rich history, culture, and world-class cuisine, Italy provides a unique retirement experience. Although the cost of living may be higher, retirees can enjoy a high quality of life, excellent healthcare, and a charming lifestyle.

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11. Greece: Offering stunning landscapes, rich history, and friendly locals, Greece provides an affordable Mediterranean retirement option. The country’s favorable climate and excellent healthcare system make it an attractive choice.

12. Czech Republic: With its diverse culture, low cost of living, and high safety standards, the Czech Republic has gained popularity among retirees. The country boasts excellent healthcare and easy access to transportation within Europe.

13. Malta: Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Malta offers retirees a charming island lifestyle. With its English-speaking locals, excellent healthcare system, and beautiful weather, it is a sought-after retirement destination.

14. Uruguay: Known for its stable political environment, Uruguay offers retirees a safe and relaxed lifestyle. The country provides high-quality healthcare, low crime rates, and a welcoming environment for expats.

15. Australia: While it may have a higher cost of living compared to some other countries, Australia offers an exceptional quality of life and ample retirement benefits. With its beautiful landscapes, renowned healthcare system, and diverse culture, Australia remains an appealing choice for retirees.

When selecting the best country to retire in, it is essential to consider personal preferences, financial situation, and healthcare needs. These 15 countries, with their attractive retirement offerings, provide an array of options for those seeking a comfortable and fulfilling retirement abroad in 2023.

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  1. Iftikh Khan

    Best country for retirement is which offer free medicine and medical treatment like Brazil.

  2. GoatRoper911

    I like Uruguay out of these. No migrants unlike Portugal.

  3. Zvonimir

    If you tried to retire these countries, wouldn't some of them object?

  4. J P S

    I chose Albania. It "checks my boxes".

  5. Roy Marsh

    People overlook healthcare. The Portuguese health service is bad, mainly due to its inability to attract doctors. Their private healthcare system is expensive. Their private health insurance is expensive (at least to a British person) and does not cover everything. Over the counter medicines (and hygiene products generally) are shockingly expensive.Their ageing population is largely left to rot. The passivity of the Portuguese people in the face of such cynical neglect is frankly surprising. None of this shows any signs of changing soon.

  6. Steve W

    Depending on your lifestyle Portugal can get a bit pricey but its still cheaper and safer than Canada

  7. Secretariat Girl

    I decided two years ago to find lawyers to go for dual Italian citizenship. They are now on the verge of translating all the non-Italian documents for my case. Don't know when it will happen but I am about 6 months out from the 2 years give or take. Although I have a lot of money in the bank, my regular Soc. Sec. is too low for Italy. They want to see PENSIONS, not income from investments. People get different answers about this, too! So glad I opted to spend the money on lawyers!

  8. Michelle Sheehan

    Not sure why people want to move away from family and friends when they retire. Go on holidays to get your fix of new places. But them I’m in Australia so don’t have to go far to get lovely beaches. As you age you also should consider access to health care.

  9. Jeff

    What about Colombia!? Requirement is 3X min wage, which today is ~ 650$

  10. Markoveli561

    You left out in the uae you can get servants and multiple wives

  11. jl sc

    it's equally easy to retire anywhere, just stop working.

  12. Guy Miller

    Retire where your friends are – that’s the best place to retire

  13. Miraposa Jehano

    Is there a place in the world where Americans are forbidden? That's where I want to retire.

  14. Apollo 21

    No any landlocked country? Not everybody are fun of beaches.

  15. Terry H

    Greece or Italy nice people nice food

  16. Pacheco

    No doubt about the safest country in Latin America is Chile!

  17. Eliz Mal

    Surprised Spain didn’t make the list?!

  18. Werner U STETTLER

    Me too, UAE no thanks, feudal ruler, autocrat

  19. Armando Brandão

    no doubt PORTUGAL is the best in quality of life also

  20. Asia

    For Philippines one now needs to be 50 years or older – Deposit is not $50k USD; but only $20K USD or only $10k if have pension – other main option is buying a condo worth at least USD 50k – are a few other options for ex-military or those with health issues – The annual fee is $ 360 USD. I have been on this retirement program for over 10 years and live in Manila. Oh and no tax on foreign income!

  21. Alex Humble

    With my $1111 retirement paycheck once I got retired several years ago I moved to Russia looking for a cheaper place to retire. Africa could be the cheapest, but not a desirable place to retire, but in Russia I found acceptable life where my income was more than enough. There were nice relationships between the US and Russia at that time so I did not expect any trouble. However three months ago my retirement payments have been stopped without explanations and Social Security has not responded anymore. I find myself trapped in a foreign country having no sustenance. On the other hand I am too old and weak to resettle again. I don't have power and money to move anywhere else. I can only go to the street begging in a foreign country. The government has defrauded me. Don't trust them. They are swindlers.

  22. Butch Fajardo

    I love Italy and the French Riviera because of great food! Food is not great here in the Philippines! We suffer from lack of seafood and good ingredients! I envy the seafood markets of our neighbors like Hong Kong, Taiwan, Vietnam and Thailand!

  23. PG PC

    I’ll look into Portugal, Costa Rica, even Ecuador!

  24. Abdirashid Dirie

    For me Zanzibar, My favorite retirement island.

  25. The Virtual Buddha

    Spain doesn"t just have a golden visa scheme .They also offer a non lucrative retirement visa, so this is untrue

  26. CalebJames56

    These countries are beautiful thank you I don't think Mexico is very safe but the other countries seem interesting.

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