Video: Chinese Fighter Jet Intercepts US Spy Plane | China in the Spotlight

by | Jun 9, 2023 | Gold IRA | 35 comments

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A video shows a Chinese #fighter jet passing right in front of a U.S. #plane’s nose. The United States is calling it an “unnecessarily aggressive” maneuver by the Chinese jet during an intercept over the South China Sea. China is fighting back, saying the United States intruded on their space. This comes as China’s defense minister refuses to speak with his U.S. counterpart.

00:00 Intro
00:53 Chinese Jet Intercepts U.S. Spy Plane: Video
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Recently, a video was released by China showing a Chinese fighter jet intercepting a US spy plane. The incident, which took place on June 1, 2021, highlights the ongoing tensions between the two superpowers and raises concerns over the potential for a military conflict.

The video shows a Chinese J-10 fighter jet flying dangerously close to a US Navy P-8A Poseidon reconnaissance plane over international waters in the South China Sea. The US plane was conducting a routine surveillance mission when the Chinese fighter jet flew within 300 feet of the aircraft, causing the US pilot to take evasive action.

This is not the first time that China has intercepted a US spy plane. In 2001, a collision between a US EP-3 spy plane and a Chinese fighter jet resulted in an international crisis. The US plane was forced to make an emergency landing in China, and the crew was detained for 11 days before being released.

The interception of the US spy plane by China is just one example of how tensions are escalating between the two countries. The South China Sea has been a major point of contention, with both China and the US claiming sovereignty over the region. China has been building and militarizing artificial islands in the sea, sparking concerns among other countries in the region, including the Philippines and Vietnam.

The US has been increasing its military presence in Asia in response to China’s growing assertiveness. The US has been conducting freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea, challenging China’s claims to the region. However, China sees this as a violation of its sovereignty and has repeatedly warned the US to stay out of the area.

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The interception of the US spy plane by China is a clear indication that tensions between the two countries are not going away anytime soon. Both countries need to exercise restraint and avoid any actions that could escalate the situation further. A military conflict between the two superpowers would have devastating consequences for the entire world.

The international community must also play a role in reducing tensions between China and the US. Dialogue and diplomacy should be the way forward to resolve any differences peacefully. The international community should encourage both China and the US to find common ground and work towards a peaceful resolution of their differences.

In conclusion, the interception of a US spy plane by China highlights the escalating tensions between the two superpowers. Both countries need to exercise restraint and avoid any action that could escalate the situation further. The international community must also work towards reducing tensions and encouraging dialogue and diplomacy to resolve any differences peacefully. Only through peaceful means can a conflict between China and the US be avoided, which would have devastating consequences for the entire world.

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  1. dandy samortin

    westerners are greedy…. de-couple from a communist country now..

  2. Mac Dada

    Send 1 old skool F16 on that cheap Chinese bird n it's a wrap

  3. Edward Cave

    Get the men at the top, the millionaire politicians and their thugs the CIA

  4. Hari Soepangkat

    It was a marvelous act. China needs to teach the US some lesson by showing their powerful J16 fighter jets. This Jap woman didn't want to say that the US sent the spy plane several times a day to spy on China. Think if China send spy planes to Hawaii or California several times a day to provoke the US. US didn't want to respect China by not lifting the illegal sanction on Chinese Minister of Defence , therefore there is no need to talk. The US must learn how to respect a super power. This Jap woman only works as a trumpet to voice CIA views.

  5. DROCK

    Although I'm usually against anything claiming to be "international law". Hey you CCP jackasses! The South China Sea isn't yours

  6. TollBridge Ahead

    Lai should’ve gone on exile as soon as the sh*t started dripping down. Now he can’t fight for the cause.

  7. Me

    The CCP makes all Chinese look like clowns

  8. J D

    That is international airspace.

  9. Shark Lee


  10. dan estelita

    Brave chinese fighter specially the spy plane is not armed, dare to do that on a us fighter plane

  11. Ariel H

    Ít s sad that the US government naively giving all the opportunities over many years of access to the high technology CCP and now use these technologies to hurting the US

  12. Refined Gentleman

    Dear China,

    Do NOT be over confident. You are absolutely overestimating your military ability. A WAR is not in your best interest.

  13. princeblade

    A war is inevitable to shut prc’s mouth

  14. Ishwor Parajuli

    Tysm pla for your great encourage.

  15. Halo-Halo

    Love Tiffany's hair

  16. Some Random Dude

    If China had spy planes flying off the U.S. coast, you can bet the US would be doing the same stuff

  17. BatAskal

    I would stock chickens on board and fly it right through them where they pass and call it a bird strike.

  18. Debabrata Sarkar

    Thanks giving to Xi Jinping China for flying the fighter jets over the South China Sea. Thanks a lot.

  19. atmas1337

    "IM NOT TOUCHING YOU! IM NOT TOUCHING YOU! XD" How childish can that pilot get?

  20. C S

    China does NOT respond to diplomatic offerings. Authoritarians recognize strength. The US should do the same or worse to a Chinese jet

  21. roger 10-4

    Just shoot the Chinese airplane down… The peace and stability of the region had been compromised since 2016

  22. Teng Kheng Khoo

    There is nothing US airforce can do, they can only watch and enjoy the best CCP air acrobat show in front of their eyes.

  23. ARDI D'

    What do I think? I think we need to escort with F-16's and F-35's (our recon flights) and blow the rice burner out of the sky. The Chinese are only strong when they challenge unarmed peasants. Pathetic. If I were in command, he'd been shot down. 100%

  24. Lynette Carter

    They will soon hit are spy drones or even a plane then recover the tech maybe the plan?

  25. Robbo LastName

    USA needs to tidy it's own house before making demands in others'.

  26. Ishwor Parajuli

    What happened after then tiffany?

  27. Fact Checker

    Maybe the US should have a fighter plane with its transponder turned off under the belly of the US plane and teach the CCP plane a lesson.

  28. John Gibson

    China is pretty good at refusing things.
    Maybe the West needs to refuse boats carrying Chinese rubbish, refuse any technology transfer, refuse any Chinese investment, refuse any Chinese immigrants, refuse them any commodities or food imports, etc.
    It's time for us to do some serious 'refusing'.

  29. Nazare Andrei-Cristian

    It wasn't a Chinese jet fighter, it was just a civilian birthday party balloon in the shape of a jet fighter. You are all blind…

  30. N sub

    The only way to avenge the murder of US citizens by CCP supplied Fentanyl is to use military power

  31. Saisa lowe

    Xi and it’s ccp is the threat to Chinese people .. sad thing is Chinese people are getting brainwashed everyday

  32. finbar hayes

    honey cannot be extacted from a stone…even if it a fat rotten dyin baztard winnie ping,i dream & pray for vengance on these cadres…watch ur bak!

  33. John Wusah

    small dogs always bark the loudest, let's see them pull the same stunt in front of a US fighter jet lol

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