Warren Buffett Issues Warning about Recession in 2023

by | Aug 22, 2023 | Recession News | 28 comments

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Warren Buffett rarely ever sits down for interviews these days but recently talked with CNBC for over 2 hours about the cracks that are forming in the economy

Including a new warning about further banking failures caused by distress in commercial real estate

Not only is Warren Buffett arguably the greatest investor of all time, he’s someone to pay attention to through this financial crisis because he’s historically owned a huge portfolio of banks

Well that is, until he recently sold almost all of his bank investments out of fear of the exact problem we see today

Today I’m going to share some clips from Buffett’s latest interview where he discussed the banking crisis but also what he sees coming down the road for inflation and the economy.


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Warren Buffett, legendary investor and one of the world’s wealthiest individuals, has recently issued a stark warning about a potential recession in 2023. Known for his sharp financial acumen and ability to predict market trends, Buffett’s insights often carry tremendous weight in the investment community, and his latest prediction has sent shockwaves through the industry.

In an interview with a leading financial news outlet, Buffett expressed his concerns about the economic landscape and highlighted several factors that could contribute to the impending downturn. He emphasized that the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with rising inflation, could lead to a significant economic slowdown in the near future.

Buffett’s warning comes at a time when many analysts and experts are already expressing concerns about the sustainability of the current bull market. The prolonged economic recovery from the pandemic, coupled with global supply chain disruptions and labor shortages, have created an environment ripe for potential setbacks.

One of the primary factors contributing to Buffett’s recession warning is the lingering impact of the pandemic. While vaccines have played a crucial role in curbing the spread of the virus, the recovery has been uneven across different sectors and regions. Moreover, new variants and the possibility of future lockdowns continue to pose threats to economic stability. Buffett believes that the lasting scars of the pandemic may impede economic growth and lead to a contraction.

Another concern raised by Buffett is the rising inflation. In recent months, prices have surged across various sectors, driven by supply chain disruptions, increased demand, and government stimulus programs. If inflation continues to rise unchecked, central banks may have to tighten monetary policy, potentially slowing down economic activity. Buffett fears that the combination of higher prices and tighter monetary policy may tip the global economy into recession.

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Despite his concerns, Buffett remains optimistic about the long-term prospects of the US economy. He has repeatedly emphasized the importance of investing in strong, well-managed companies with a long-term focus. Buffett’s advice during times of economic uncertainty is to remain calm, avoid short-term speculation, and invest in businesses that have a history of resilience and profitability.

It is important to note that while Buffett’s predictions have been remarkably accurate in the past, they are not infallible. Market dynamics can be unpredictable, and numerous factors can influence the timing and severity of a recession. However, given his consistent track record, investors and financial experts closely monitor Buffett’s insights and consider them an essential element of decision-making.

In conclusion, Warren Buffett’s recession warning for 2023 has raised eyebrows and triggered discussions among market participants. The pandemic’s aftermath and rising inflation are key concerns for Buffett, who believes they may contribute to an economic downturn. While no one can predict the future with certainty, investors would be wise to consider Buffett’s advice and maintain a balanced, long-term investment strategy during these uncertain times.

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  1. Hamish Hodder

    Sign up for The Daily Upside for free by clicking the first link in the description ^

  2. Blob Monster

    The FDIC is for deposits 250k or under. You just lied. They are using that money for deposits greater then 250k. They are using it to bail out their rich friends. Once that money is gone, which it is pretty close already, it is gone.

  3. yovan ismaya

    Soft landing 2023. Recession 2024

  4. Anonymous

    I used to think every investor lose out during market crises, meanwhile some make millions. I also thought everybody went out of business during the great depression, but some went into business. Bottom line, there's always depression for some, and profits for others. it all starts with having the right mindset. That said, I've set aside $415k for future, unfortunately I'm a complete noob.

  5. Marc Larsson

    Buffett doesn't really say anything profound. He only says the obvious so he tends to be boring.

  6. Jose Fischer

    The way I see this recession most likely has an external cause. The United States is losing influence as a federal currency for the first time in decades. They don’t have any economies to utilize to control their inflation, and less money is being spent on stock and oil trading than previously. They all lend credence to the hypothesis that a new multilateral world order may be in the works.

  7. Cloudy Blaze

    I really enjoy listening to Warren Buffett and reading his annual shareholders' letter. I like how he extends first principles to investing. I guess that is why Berkshire Hathaway, which is more or less a make-shift hedge fund, is doing well. I was once invested in it, but I figured it's really big, so his returns, while phenomenal, were not moving the needle for me, because I had only about 95k in my portfolio, which was probably too small for a company wt such market cap. So now I want to switch to an individual wealth manager, so I'm out for recommendations.

  8. Val Martin - Real True Education

    Warren Buffet is ultimately a good man, he want to give good advice and is does not want misery among clients.


    Fckng lier at 7.57 and more.

  10. candyfloss184

    I come to the video. I notice the youtuber. I go out without subscribing.

  11. Where's Izzy - Travel Channel - @ Israel Zavala

    Yet SBV covered All deposits if we keep doing that then FDIC will run out of money and guess who will step in… so don’t sugar coat the FDIC not being tax payer funded

  12. ediddysmith2500

    Wake up, it is taxpayers who pay for it

  13. Eric Wilde

    America is currently plagued by the hydra-headed evil duo of inflation and recession. The worst part about this recession is that consumers are racking up credit card debt. In April alone, credit card debt went up 20% while rates have doubled in a year. Inflation is so high that consumers are literally taking debt for basic life necessities. Collapse has indeed begun..

  14. Jonathan Nathan

    It is important for beginners in trading and investing to understand that success in these fields requires more than just technical analysis. Emotional maturity and self-discipline are equally important, as they enable traders to make rational decisions even during periods of market volatility. This means that consistently investing over a long period of time is generally more effective than trying to time the market by buying and selling based on short-term market fluctuations. Learning is crucial for success in trading and investing. Keeping up with current trends and strategies can help traders stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions. I'm glad to hear that Marcia Ann Bice insights and strategies have been helpful to most of us. Remember, success in trading and investing takes time and effort, but with dedication and discipline, it is achievable..

  15. Parrish

    My greatest concern is how to recover from all these economic and global troubles and stay afloat especially with the political power tussle going on in US.

  16. Stardust007

    2024 the world will feel the recession I think.

  17. Rodrigo Hernandez

    Every day we have a new problem. It's the new normal. At first we thought it was a crisis, now we know it's a new normal and we have to adapt. 2023 will be a year of severe economic pain all over the nation.. what steps can we take to generate more income during quantitative adjustment?I can't afford my hard-earned $280,000 savings to turn to dust.

  18. iliketacos

    I just shit myself

  19. F S

    The main question is: Who has the Nasdaq in hand today ? Wanna have a slice of an answer ? … Goodman Sachs and JP Morgan. If they see a good opportunity to make loads of money with a planned crash, they will organise it. More funny, if it occurs without their consent but it is not really probable as they do control all that fake pricing shit. Do not believe on supply and demand, all processes behind the candles are pure insanity, hidden in high frequency algorithmics reality build up to suck all available liquidity, like blood for a vampire. Good appetite !

  20. Meister von Drake

    Want subscribers? Don't make us look at your face.

  21. Richard

    I'm so happy I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever,hoping to retire next year… Investment should always be on any creative man's heart for success in life.

  22. Hafez Bd

    Congratulations for a wonderful examination of the various points of view. I opened my eyes to see that FTX had bad news. The current market conditions are keeping me up at night; my portfolio has lost almost $372k this month alone, my salary is decreasing, and I can't even add to my stagnant nest egg. I can't picture retiring without encountering problems. I wonder if individuals that survived the 2008 global financial crisis found it to be less difficult.

  23. Supermuffin

    okay so the markets are about to rip upwards.. bullish af.

  24. Dan Sweeney

    Would love to see some more value investing videos instead of this, frankly, sensationalist macro stuff…

  25. Herns TV

    LOL. They been predicting recession since 2016 nothing happened. LOL

  26. paschalNaddy6

    The next couple of months will be tricky in the market space .. Bull or bear I'll rather stack more digital currencies & hold for long term. Soonest you will be ecstatic with the decision you made today .

  27. Anthony Casta

    Lotta talk about a recession since the bounce back in 2020 yet I still think we avoid one

  28. StockRebel

    It would be nice if we could get a link to the original interview in the description

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