Woman Falls Victim to Romance Scammer Posing as Barry Gibb, Sends Her 401k

by | Oct 18, 2023 | 401k | 38 comments

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Title: Woman Sends Her 401k to Barry Gibb Romance Scammer!


In today’s digitally connected world, the prevalence of online scams and frauds has skyrocketed, leaving victims vulnerable and financial losses devastating. One recent case that has left many astonished involves a woman who fell prey to a romance scam, resulting in her sending her entire 401k to a phony Barry Gibb suitor. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the importance of staying vigilant and informed when engaging with strangers on the internet.

The Unfortunate Victim:

Mary Thompson, a 54-year-old woman from Sacramento, California, was targeted by a cunning romance scammer pretending to be none other than Barry Gibb, the legendary musician and member of the Bee Gees. Over the span of several months, the scammer meticulously built an emotional connection with Mary, overpowering her with flattery and affectionate messages.

The Emotional Manipulation:

Like many romance scams, establishing trust and emotional attachment became the scammer’s focal point. The fraudster took advantage of Mary’s fascination with the Bee Gees, exploiting her vulnerable state by claiming to be Barry Gibb himself. The scammer strategically crafted messages, appealing to Mary’s deepest desires for companionship, love, and excitement, ultimately winning her trust.

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The Deception Unveiled:

The scam reached its peak when the “Barry Gibb” imposter revealed a pressing financial issue, urgently requesting Mary’s assistance. Claiming to be going through a difficult time, he manipulated Mary into believing that her financial contribution would alleviate his hardships. Stating that he needed a substantial sum of money to support his career or handle unexpected expenses, the scammer convinced Mary to empty her entire 401k retirement savings account.

The Aftermath:

Realizing the depth of her deception, Mary Thompson filed a police report, but unfortunately, the chances of recovering her hard-earned savings are slim. Investigations into romance scams like this often hit dead ends due to their international nature and the use of cleverly disguised tactics by perpetrators. While Mary may have suffered a tremendous financial loss, the incident serves as a reminder to the public to remain cautious and discerning when it comes to developing relationships online.

Protecting Yourself from Romance Scammers:

1. Keep your personal information private: Avoid sharing excessive personal details with strangers online. Fraudsters can use this information to build trust and manipulate victims in elaborate scams.

2. Verify identities: When interacting with someone online, conduct thorough research to verify their identity. Look out for inconsistencies in their stories or photographs that don’t match their online identity.

3. Be wary of financial requests: Never send money to someone you’ve only met online, regardless of the circumstances. Legitimate relationships should not be centered around monetary transactions or financial support.

4. Report suspicious activity: If you suspect you have encountered a romance scammer, report the incident to local law enforcement agencies and inform the respective platform or website to prevent further victimization.

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The unfortunate story of Mary Thompson, who fell victim to a romance scam and sent her entire 401k to a Barry Gibb imposter, is a stark reminder of the dangers lurking on the internet. While technology has undoubtedly brought people together, it has also provided fraudsters with new platforms to exploit unsuspecting individuals. Being vigilant, cautious, and informed is crucial in protecting oneself and preventing such devastating losses.

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  1. Alexander GR8

    "I have never been loved like this before"…News flash…You STILL haven't…

  2. TheLongWind 1984

    Wait, were they using her account to launder money!?

  3. Graham Stewart

    Romance seems to be able to have normal people lose their senses.

  4. Miss Interpretation

    She thought he had sunglasses on in the hospital. Okay.

  5. Miss Interpretation

    It’s 100% of the episodes I’ve watched that the scammer uses the king and queen language. Whether it’s a man or woman being scammed, the scammer always says you’re my queen or you’re my king. Please let this be a flag to all. Never trust anyone on the internet calling you king or queen!

  6. Miss Interpretation

    I have a tendency toward limerence (I think it’s called). Like when I get a celebrity crush I feel it emotionally more than I think is normal. But for some reason (that I am so grateful for) I have the mental wherewithal to know reality from fantasy. I just don’t know what screw is missing with these ppl.

  7. Myr25

    Why would a millionaire need your money???? You have to be mentally deficient to do this. Early dementia.

  8. Amy Hunter

    This is so sad

  9. Francis Console

    Your ads all sound scammy, btw

  10. The Hummingbird

    Unbelievably stupid. She’s got to be messed up mentally to fall for this.
    Let’s all keep a good helpful eye on our mentally challenged, senile or just plain so sweet n innocent ones.

  11. Mimi

    Why why why do people fall for such an obvious scam?

  12. Karen Ruby

    How disappointed her family must in her. No respect for you grandma. What a huge dummy.

  13. Sam Aulicino

    Substitute sex for emotional pleasure and it is the same as paying for a prostitute. Probably know it's wrong but still do it to feel good for a moment.

    Unfortunately, it's easier to fool someone than convince them they've been fooled. Case in point… the state of the world..

  14. Whatevs

    Wanda Wanda Wanda. Your stupidity has cost you your future comfort

  15. YinzerTracy

    Just here for the comments section

  16. Steve Oostdyk

    It's nice of you guys to treat Wanda so kindly and help her out without making her feel worse about her outright dumbness. That can't be easy. Hopefully this scambag gets caught.

  17. Brent Wheeler

    Wanda is a hapless goof. I bet the scammer rubbed his hands and licked his lips when he realized what a fool he met.

  18. Christopher Callowevans

    This is ridiculous you are in a relationsnip with a Barry Gibb the sole survivor of Les Tossers a man whose family will never have to work for generations and this idiot sends him money

  19. Nathan Thompson

    So….is it illegal to pretend to love someone so they send you their 401k?

    Sounds like I need a career change if it's legal.

  20. Ellen Collins


  21. Alabama Worley

    Note how many times she says, 'he makes me feel good'. This is textbook delusional behavior, likely some narcissistic traits of grandiosity. It's pretty tragic.

  22. Shawn Alston

    How can anyone be this stupid?

  23. Missy Ruth

    "Seeing is believing for me." Hmm … I could say something mean here about self-seeing. She thinks she is breaking up a 50 YEAR MARRIAGE and is fine with it. Sadly, she deserves the consequences of this.

  24. Traveling Lens Man

    the more i watch catfished the more i realised that there are so many stupid and dumb people in this world, how can one believe a superstar singer would want money from you? the other dumb one was that mark zuckerberg was in love with her and needed some money to unlock his bank account and hospital fees. REALLY DUMB!! and this one is no exception. Apparently no brain and common sense period!!

  25. Helen Scott

    I'm sorry if I sound hard but how sad/stupid do you have to be. I feel sad for the poor woman I really do and as previously stated by others I'm embarrassed for her. Cmon now – why would Barry gibb need money?????. I don't wish to sound cruel

  26. 4gma59

    That poor woman. So sad. Living in a fantasy world.

  27. David David

    You guys are doing a great job however did you manage to catch these scammers and put them behind the bar or it's just to know their locations?

  28. Lesley Evans

    I have tried and tried to warn people and they don’t learn

  29. Funsize_Hercules

    Stop calling all of these women queen!

  30. Mike hArtley

    This is a black dude from South Africa scamming her

  31. Faith Castillo

    What an idiot! Completely and utterly delusional.

  32. Pennsylvania Patti

    Like Barry Gibb eould actually leave his hot wife for this fumpy old lady. SMH.

  33. ryanbrande

    What's ridiculous is her thinking someone like that would be interested in her…

  34. Alicia Killen

    Here we go with the “ my queen “ malarkey

  35. Diane Philpot

    She needs a counselor

  36. Susan Powell

    oh well if he was able to quote the song "how deep is your love?" it must be him. I mean who else could physically type "how deep is your love?"

  37. Ton L

    The Boomers are something else. This lady has way too much free time on her hands

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