搬家后的抓马1- HVAC篇:为何上周停更(第324期)

by | Jul 29, 2023 | Backdoor Roth IRA | 33 comments

大家好!“美国退休账户详解” (All About Retirement Accounts)这套课程终于上线啦!被大家呼吁了2年多,我终于克服了拖延症把这套课程做出来啦!

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这套课程分40个小节,涉及了美国常见退休账户的方方面面。有基础知识,比如401K和IRA的区别,Backdoor IRA如何操作;也有实操中常见的细节问题,例如Roth IRA存多了怎么办?留学生要回国了401K怎么办?Backdoor操作的时候被扣税了怎么办?
内容以我频道里的原视频为骨架,补充了视频没有的知识点,整合加工完成。我在整套课程里有意地把知识点串联梳理起来,由浅入深、系统地呈现给大家。作比较、列数据、讲实操、作总结,同一个知识点在不同场合反复出现,我就从不同的角度反复地说它。保证你在看完这套课程之后能把之前一些似懂非懂模模糊糊的概念全部吃的透透的。(第315期“Mega Backdoor”就是课程的节选,想要了解课程风格的朋友欢迎试听第315期)


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1. 401K
1.1 什么是401K
1.2. How does 401K plans Work
1.3. Contributing to a 401K
1.4. How does a 401K make money
1.5. Withdrawals from 401K
1.6. 离职之后401K 的match问题
1.7. 离职之后401K怎么处理
1.8 Roth 401K里面雇主match的钱是税前的还是税后的
1.9. 401K Loan
1.10. Traditional 401K Vs. Roth 401K

2. 回国之后退休账户怎么办?
3. IRA
3.1. IRA 简介
3.2. 什么是Earned income
3.3. IRA 有什么优点
3.4. IRA有什么缺点和限制
3.5. 未来的税率问题
3.6. Roth IRA简介
3.7. 什么是税前的钱?什么是税后的钱?
4. Roth IRA
4.1. Roth IRA简介和Roth IRA与传统IRA相同的地方
4.2. Roth IRA 和IRA不同的地方
4.3. 从Roth IRA中取款的问题
4.4. Roth IRA 不qualified怎么办
4.5. 什么是recharacterization
5. Backdoor IRA
5.1. Backdoor IRA
5.2. 传统IRA里面既有税前的钱又有税后的钱
5.3. 传统IRA mixed,避税方法
5.4. backdoor IRA 8606
5.5. 股票跌了?为什么不抓住这个机会做Backdoor IRA?
5.6. Backdoor IRA不要用roll over的钱交税
5.7. Mega Backdoor Roth Strategy
6. 美国税法中的“收入”
6.1. 美国税法中的“收入” – 简介
6.2. 美国税法中的“收入” – Gross Income
6.3. 美国税法中的“收入” – AGI
6.4. 美国税法中的“收入” – Taxable Income
6.5. 美国税法上常见的几种收入- MAGI
6.6. 401K Deduction
7. Self-Directed IRA
8. 孩子的退休账户
8.1. 给孩子开Roth IRA
8.2. 529计划可以转成Roth IRA
9. 结束语
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After moving – Catch-up edition 1: HVAC – Why was there no update last week? (Issue 324)

Greetings, dear readers! We apologize for the absence of the regular update last week. As some of you may know, we recently underwent a big move and encountered unexpected challenges along the way. Today, we will explain the reason behind the delay and delve into the topic of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) in your new home.

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Moving to a new place can be a thrilling but daunting experience. It involves numerous tasks, such as packing, transport arrangements, and adjusting to a new environment. While we were excited about the move, it presented unforeseen obstacles that temporarily prevented us from providing our usual updates. However, we are back on track now and ready to provide you with valuable insights on various topics!

One important aspect to consider after moving into a new home is the HVAC system. Whether in extreme heat or bitter cold, a functional HVAC system ensures comfort and maintains a healthy living environment. Proper understanding of your HVAC system is essential for efficient use and maintaining its longevity.

First and foremost, it is vital to familiarize yourself with the different components of your HVAC system. Typically, it consists of a furnace, air conditioner, thermostat, ductwork, and vents. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in ensuring a comfortable atmosphere within your home.

One common issue faced by many homeowners is inadequate airflow. If you notice that certain rooms are not receiving an adequate amount of heated or cooled air, it might be due to issues with your HVAC system. Several factors can cause this problem, including ductwork leaks, blocked vents, or improper system balancing. It is recommended to consult a professional HVAC technician to diagnose and rectify these issues.

Another concern often encountered is uneven heating or cooling throughout the house. This can be caused by an unbalanced system, where certain areas receive more airflow than others. Besides, inadequate insulation or malfunctioning thermostats can also contribute to this problem. Regular maintenance and inspections are crucial to address these issues promptly, ensuring a comfortable living environment throughout your home.

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Efficiency is another important aspect of your HVAC system. An inefficient system can lead to unnecessarily high electricity bills and potential environmental impact. Regularly cleaning or replacing air filters, scheduling professional maintenance, and setting programmable thermostats can significantly improve energy efficiency.

Additionally, optimizing the usage of your system can save energy and reduce costs. Utilizing natural ventilation during moderate weather, ensuring proper insulation, and sealing any air leaks are effective measures to enhance energy efficiency.

In conclusion, the recent delay in our updates was due to the challenges posed by our recent move. However, we are thrilled to be back and bring you the latest insights on a broad spectrum of topics, starting with HVAC systems in your new home. Remember to familiarize yourself with the components of your system, address any airflow issues promptly, and prioritize the energy efficiency of your HVAC system.

We hope you found this HVAC segment informative, and we look forward to providing you with more captivating articles in the future. Stay tuned for the next edition, as we dive into other intriguing topics that will enhance your knowledge and make your life easier. Thank you for your support and patience during this transition period.

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  1. Yulan Luo

    钱姐是不是为了抢房子 waive 了 home warranty 啊?

  2. Hua Hua

    你没找过中国人吗? 老外 还是贵 骗你也没商量

  3. L Kay

    你不用handy,你认识一个handyman ,再加一个房主群问问就行了!

  4. Amy Tang

    验屋时空调好的,之后leaking,只能是算bad luck!

  5. Amy Tang


  6. Dapao Zhang

    地基有裂縫是正常現象,整個房子完全均匀下沉的情況基本上是不可能的,一般情況下,驗房師應該判斷,並告訴你地面裂痕的程度是否會造成房屋結構的損壞。Pre-existing Conditions 一旦你房屋過戶了,就是你自己的責任了。不過,最最重要的就是:一旦你有了房子,你最好學會一些基本的維修技能。這不僅僅是個錢的問題,小修小補的活兒,根本沒人願意接,即使有人願意接這些小活兒,要麽讓你等待幾天几周,要麽就是一些二百五的生手。房屋維修沒那麽可怕,沒有學不會的人。

  7. Leila Wong


  8. Dapao Zhang

    在美東,關於空調系統,如果你買房時的氣溫在60F一下,買房文件裏應該注明“HVAC系統因氣溫過低無法檢驗,等待氣溫達到60F以上后,若HVAC不製冷,則由賣方負責維修或更換。” 所有當時無法檢驗的項目在買賣合約裏都應加以注明。(我剛從NJ搬到Austin, TX。在NJ住了20多年,在11月至5月這幾個月買賣房子都是這麽處理的)。這是你的疏忽,經紀人的疏忽,更是驗房師的疏忽。不過已經這樣了,回去追責任,恐怕你也折騰不起。

  9. Levitt Hon


  10. Yanan Wang

    纽约好贵啊,5月换了最大的coil和condenser 加上人工4000刀

  11. Miles Wang

    坐标德州,买房第一年好像一般都会home warranty,在过户的时候就在contract里面,很多时候是都是卖家cover的。完了之后就看自己的需要renew了

  12. Jun Xu


  13. Stones777


  14. Di

    我们之前买single family 的时候卖家会给提供Home warranty 几个月或者一年我忘了 会cover这种水暖大件 还是挺值得考虑的

  15. Yichuan Niu

    如果是验房师的责任,他肯定要承担后续由于失职产生的维修费用。打官司请律师的确比较麻烦,不如试一下本州的小额法庭(small claim court),这种法庭不需要律师出庭,只需要填个表格,只需要付几十块钱审理费,通常审理事实比较明确的案件,比如失职,赖账等。一般可以远程zoom上庭,通常索赔金额最高1万。虽然不能完全负担换新空调的钱,但是起码省事,方便,花不了几个小时。审理之后如果对方不付钱,可以交给要债公司要债。还是推荐一试

  16. AmyMelon Shen


  17. Jia Dong Chai


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  19. David Feng


  20. Rlhf Jnd


  21. Rlhf Jnd


  22. Yuchi chen


  23. Hongyuan Li


  24. J Z


  25. Hou Jiakai

    买房的时候应该自动带一年的home warranty,抓紧用啊。 我周边就有直接用home warranty直接换了个hvac的

  26. Julie Z


  27. Ryan L

    Home warranty

  28. Jun Zhang

    钱 钱 钱 做梦梦见钱

  29. FishNChips


  30. Lee V


  31. Ying Wu

    第一,要买home warranty insurance. 第二,要和inspection guy argue。你可以选择不告他,但至少要他cover 一些cost.

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